“Be committed to the relationship you have with yourself. Be committed to loving yourself. Take care of your heart and soul.”  –Louise Hay

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Cultures around the world view a woman’s breasts as a symbol of her sacred power.

Throughout a woman’s lifespan, breasts represent sensuality, erotic sexuality, and the procreative power of fertility and plenty. Breasts symbolize nurturing practicality, renewal, care, and spiritual power.

The way we, as women, feel about how we relate to our own breasts has a direct relationship to our self-esteem. Our breasts hold so much and personify their own health needs.

Bringing awareness to your breasts and caring for them as much as you care about your relationships is a beautiful act of self-love.

Breast cancer is an incredibly difficult disease to fight or to watch a loved one go through.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. It is the most common cancer among American women. When detected early, and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%.

This year alone, an estimated 280,000 women have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. as well as 49,290 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer.

Self-Love Essential

Being familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel is essential for breast self-awareness.

Most women experience changes in their breasts caused by their monthly cycle, and during pregnancy and the times when they are breastfeeding. Women (and men) can also expect their breasts to change as they get older.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I’m sharing my breast care formula with you. Breast massage is one of the best preventive measures you can do for yourself. Start by giving yourself permission to touch your breasts through weekly breast massage with Fleur Sundari Breast Oil.

The art of breast massage has been practiced for thousands of years and is an important aspect of self-care, wellness, and healing. According to traditional Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, breast cancer prevention is all about encouraging blood and chi (energy) to flow unencumbered throughout the body.

Breast massage specifically targets circulation flow through the lymphatic system, the huge network of vessels that run through the body and purify the blood, but the stimulation can also serve to break up lymphatic stagnation preventing toxic build-up, promoting lymphatic flow and drainage.

When you massage your breasts, they should feel warm (but not hot) to the touch, like the rest of your torso. Some of the signs that women should look for include:

  • A lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm area
  • Changes in size or shape
  • Skin dimpling or puckering (like an orange peel)
  • A nipple turned inward
  • Nipple discharge or rash
  • Scaly, red, or swollen skin on the breast
  • Breast pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit.

You should report any breast changes to your health care provider right away.

My breasts, my health, my wealth

My weekly breast massage ritual helps me to be in touch with my body so that I will more readily notice any changes if anything is off.

When I use Sundari Breast Oil on my breasts, I feel the alchemical synergy of the pomegranate oil, flowers essences, and essential oils penetrate through my tissue, maintaining breast health and firmness.

Of course, I avoid underwire bras and tight clothing that restricts lymphatic flow and blood circulation. As I age, I am also mindful to eat balanced nutritious meals, exercise daily, and sleep well.

Breast massage helps me to keep an open heart. As I devote loving energy and attention to myself through the ritual of breast massage, the sensuous aroma of Sundari Breast Oil fills my senses with delight. My heart feels full and revitalized, balancing me as I honor the sacred feminine within myself.

This act of self-love is innately soothing and healing and encourages my body to emit anti-aging hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin, and estrogen.

I’ve written extensively about the healing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pomegranate seed oil as the basis for my formula on the Sundari Breast Oil page.

I encourage you to be committed to the relationship you have with yourself and with your breasts. As a woman, breast massage may help you to detect cancer early. Being your own self-care advocate takes loving attention while breast awareness sets the foundation for health through the years.

Love and chi,


For more information on Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please visit nationalbreastcancer.org.