“She who rules scent rules the heart of the Lover.” –Patricia Suskind

Now that sunlight is increasing, and the weather is warming, flowers are beginning to bloom in Southern California. February brings the awakening energy of pleasure and desire. Valentine’s day is a time when we celebrate the enchantments of love with chocolates, flowers, and expressions of affection and passionate intent.

As many of you know, flowers are often used as delightful messengers to communicate in a language beyond words. Roses especially have a special place when expressing sensuality and desire. For the sensual woman, the alluring aroma of rose penetrates and excites her psyche, evoking intensely pleasurable emotions and thoughts.

Rose holds the frequency of unconditional love and is deeply associated with the heart chakra. Its aromatic beauty conveys an emotional depth of the tantalizing promise of awakening lasting love.

Nature’s Aphrodisiac

The rose is the ultimate symbol of sensuality. Is there any flower more quintessentially romantic than the rose to communicate the most profound desire within the human heart?

Sacred to the Goddess, there is powerful erotic energy associated with the fragrance of the rose. It whispers unspoken seduction that liberates heart emotion, igniting true pleasure. A love affair between the senses and the heart awaits every person who smells the delight of Aphrodite.

Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, fertility, and beauty, was fabled to be the source of all that is sensual. Some aromas are so good at sparking passionate feelings that they act as aphrodisiacs. It is in her honor that aphrodisiacs were so named.

Between flowers and sex, there has long been an enduring link. For thousands of years, the scent of rose has been used as a natural aphrodisiac to enhance the love bond between couples and spark sexual desire.

It’s no secret that men and women, throughout history, have sought aphrodisiacs, the means that arouse or increase sexual response or desire. Arousal is the driver of passion for unleashing a full flowering of sexual fulfillment. The quest for aphrodisiacs increasing sexual desire and heightening intimacy may be the one thing that crosses all cultural, ethnic, and age boundaries.

The Emotional Potency of Smell

The sense of smell, or olfaction, is the extraordinary sense through which we perceive smells (or odors). Smells can become a potent part of our alchemical wellness care kit for correcting, boosting, and changing how we feel about ourselves and others.

With the power to affect our mood, emotions, feelings, and sensuality, what we smell can transport us to a whole new space and time.

The complex dance between the heart and the brain in men and women has a scientific basis, even if a scent is subjective. And while you are likely attracted to any scent that reminds you of your lover, certain aromas trigger a positively sensual biochemical response.

You might be skeptical about the erotic power of botanical sources of scent and the power they have to ignite passion. But if you consider that desire starts in the brain, it makes sense that there are definite neurological responses to olfactory stimuli.

Unlike the senses of taste, touch, sight, and sound, your brain does not filter scent. The aromas we smell have an immediate effect on the brain’s neuroreceptors.

The Center of Pleasure

A gateway to the mind, scents are recognized more quickly than pain, remembered more permanently than sight, and more precisely than sound. When we smell, the odor molecules flow to the limbic system in the brain, where feelings, moods, emotions, sexual behavior, and memory are processed.

The limbic system is a primordial collection of structures within the brain’s cerebrum, immediately below the temporal lobes buried under the cerebral cortex, the outermost part of the brain. The primary features that make up the limbic system are the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus.

This system, the ancient seat of the mind, is responsible for controlling various functions in the body such as sensory perception, motor function, and olfaction – our sense of smell. Brain circuits have evolved to encourage behaviors proven to help our species survive by attaching pleasure to them.

The amygdala’s primary function is to interpret emotional responses, including pleasure, happiness, fear, anger, and anxiety. The amygdala also determines which memories are stored and located in the body and brain.

The hypothalamus serves as an interface between the nervous system and the endocrine (hormone) system. This part of the brain primarily controls how we process stress. It is responsible for the regulation of behavioral responses and sexual motivation. It plays an essential role in pleasurable feelings related to survival, such as eating and sex.

The limbic system was initially referred to as the rhinencephalon (meaning ‘smell brain’) because it primarily involves the sense of smell. The olfactory receptors significantly affect how we experience life and receptivity to pleasure.

Direct inhalation of aromas releases molecules of emotion that act as potent chemical messengers that can unleash a cascade of neurotransmitters and hormones. So, we will feel aromatic scents just as we feel love.

A key component of Flower Essence Aromatherapy is the synergistic blends, which alchemically affect the limbic system and lift vibrational frequency.

A Natural Love Potion

Aromatic scents positively affect our emotions whether misted in the air, massaged on the body, worn as a perfume, or sprinkled in the bath. Flower Essence Aromatherapy can enhance your love relationships to improve emotional intimacy and a sense of stability and wellbeing.

Roses are a traditional symbol of love and with good reason. Particularly helpful to women, Bulgarian Rose Otto essential oil helps balance the reproductive system by improving the healthy production of sex hormones. As an aphrodisiac, this essential oil stimulates sex drive and energy levels in both men and women.

According to several studies, Rose Otto essential oil stimulates the release of neurochemicals and hormones that increase parasympathetic activity, which helps us feel good. Dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are our “happy hormones.”

Dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter, is responsible for motivation and reward in pursuit of pleasure. In addition to contributing to happiness, joy, and satisfaction as part of the reward system, dopamine is released when consuming foods that we crave and having good sex. When you’re attracted to another person, your brain releases dopamine, your serotonin levels increase, and oxytocin is produced. This causes you to feel a surge of positive emotion.

Often called the “love hormone,” oxytocin is essential for childbirth, breastfeeding, and parent-child bonding. This hormone can also help promote trust, empathy, and bonding in relationships, and oxytocin levels generally increase with physical affection like kissing, cuddling, and sex.

Amore Love Spray and Amore Love Oil contain the finest Bulgarian Rose Oil – one of the most precious essential oils in the world due to its unique rich chemical composition and the deep multi-layered scent of the Rosa damascena variety of essential oil. Its warm, deep-floral, slightly spicy, and exceptionally rich aroma sets the mood for sensual pleasure and slow romantic love.

Because of its intensely sensual aroma, Rose Otto evokes an unconscious erotic response in the body. It also lowers inhibition, making Amore Love Oil and Spray perfect for unleashing the pleasure principle.

The lovely, enticing aroma of Amore Love Oil and Spray invokes the Sacred Feminine. Its alluring scent encourages self-love and self-acceptance. Like the flower itself, its aroma stirs deep pools of pure heart attunement of unspoken seduction, the authentic inner unfolding of erotic energy.

Setting the Mood for Love

Bonding love rituals are beautiful ways to connect more deeply with your beloved. Whether you’re setting the mood for the perfect, romantic Valentine’s date with your partner or thinking about attracting the love of your life, here are six ways to help bring more love, beauty, and sensual magic your way with Amore Love Spray and Oil:

  • Spritz Amore Love Spray onto your cushions and bed linens to set the mood.
  • Add a few drops of Amore Love Oil to cotton pads and tuck them into your pillows for a lasting lingering aroma.
  • Rub Amore Love Oil on your palms and rub gently in a clockwise direction. Then, slowly inhale three deep breaths to let the aroma waft into your amygdala gland in the center of the brain.
  • Create a romantic and relaxing bath by adding Amore Love Oil to your Sea of Life bath.
  • Anoint your heart center and nipples, behind the ears, the back of your neck, knees, thighs, wrists, the 2nd Chakra (womb) center, and the sacrum above the tail bone.
  • Share the love by massaging and anointing your lover.

Enhance mood and raise spirits, build trust and intimacy, ensure memorable love encounters, and reach new heights of bliss as you tap into the power of flower essence aromatherapy. Pure and evocative, Amore Love Spray and Oil embody the captivating yet irresistibly seductive aroma of Bulgarian Rose Otto to excite playfulness, passion, and intimacy anytime, not just on Valentine’s day.

All my aromatic love,
