“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” –Leo Buscaglia

Did you know that there is a connection between love and kindness? That’s because kindness is the active form of love. Even small acts of kindness have a ripple effect and can change the world.

As part of my healthy heart wellness care series this month, I want to encourage the benefits of kindness as a way of being, as a practice. Being kind implies being charitable, generous, considerate, and caring.

Each year on February 17th, National Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated by individuals, groups, and organizations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness. A random act of kindness may be a non-premeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer compassion towards the outside world.

It is said that love and kindness are intertwined expressions of compassion. From a spiritual perspective, the depth of compassion and attuned empathy that kindness evokes reaches into the depth of our hearts to lovingly touch the hearts of others.

Kindness is — and always will be — one of the most beautiful and powerful forces for good that exists in the entire world. Small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness are the building blocks of every relationship and a kinder, more humane world.

What Does Oxytocin have to do with Kindness?

The beauty in showing kindness to others doesn’t just stop with the act. When we show kindness to others, our bodies release serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, helping us to feel happier, calmer, reducing pain and stress, and improving our overall health and wellbeing.

Besides having the quality of being kind through acts of kindness, practicing any act of kindness and goodwill has positive effects on our brain. Acts of kindness boost oxytocin levels when we perform even the smallest acts.

Known as the “love hormone,” oxytocin could also be called a “molecule of kindness.” Studies on the brain have shown that kindness, generosity, cooperation, and trust are increased when the hormone oxytocin is released.

Kindness has distinct benefits for our cardiovascular health too. Because kindness causes the release of oxytocin, it also triggers the release of nitric oxide, which is good for the heart by simultaneously lowering blood pressure and reducing the damaging effects of free radicals circulating in our blood.

When oxytocin flows, it helps improve self-perception and positive social behavior. We just feel more loving, generous, and kind. Feelings of happiness, optimism, and curiosity help us be interested and engaged with people and the world around us.

Kindness Cares

Loving-kindness is the practice of caring with kindness so that we treat ourselves as kindly as we would treat a good friend. Grounded in loving self-acceptance, loving-kindness allows us to embrace our basic, imperfect humanity with compassion and care.

Good for our mental health, self-kindness is a positive, proactive attitude toward oneself. Mindfulness is one of the cornerstones of loving-kindness practice.

Although we are hardwired to connect with others, are buoyed by the kindness shown to us, showing loving kindness to oneself is not always easy.

And while it’s important to recognize and not run away from challenging emotions, speaking to yourself more gently and lovingly is an important part of self-kindness. Being kind to yourself, admitting your mistakes, recognizing that failures are learning opportunities help change unproductive behavior and accept new challenges.

Kindness then contributes to the resiliency needed to cope with stressful life events. Those who practice loving-kindness tend to be happier, more satisfied with their lives, more motivated, healthier in relationships, and less prone to depression and anxiety.

Amore Love Spray Centers the Heart in Kindness

Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy Amore Love Spray helps open the heart to loving-kindness with oneself and with others. Made with the delicious aroma of Rose Otto (see my post to learn about the scent of love), the vibrational essences of place and Australian wildflowers are alchemically combined to help in the giving and receiving of love.

When misted around the head and heart, inhaled with awareness of love, these essences support and nurture the caring parts of our hearts, which are essential for an attuned, balanced attitude of kindness to oneself, others, and relationships.

When a compassionate heart remains tender and maintains kindness, we learn to trust that loving care is not only available for those in need, we pay it forward knowing that we are contributing to a kinder humanity.

Show your Love: Do Random Acts of Kindness

The key to random acts of kindness is to expand your awareness to all beings, everywhere, without distinction, without exclusion. Most especially kindness starts in your own home.

Acts of kindness can benefit one person, a larger group like your coworkers, neighbors, or the whole community. Yesterday, I picked avocados from my tree and shared them with former neighbors I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. Their smiles showed their surprised gratitude, and I felt the heartwarming satisfaction of generous kindness.

The power of kindness shows itself in the simplest and smallest of ways:

  • Share a smile even with a mask
  • Open a door for someone
  • Greet a person in public
  • Place a phone call to someone who may be housebound or struggling to let them know you are thinking of them
  • Pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor or new mother
  • Offer a word of cheer to a stranger or a coworker
  • Sweep the walkway in your complex
  • Leave a bouquet of flowers to brighten someone’s day.

When rooted in the vibration of love, kindness is easy; it flows, it shares caring intent and a harmonious response of effortless support. The heart expands with gratitude for the positive feelings of love given and received.

After all, the essence of kindness is at its core, love.

All my aromatic love,
