“I want to be here, and equally important, I want to be here for you”.  –Anon

All of us are intrinsically connected to each other. When we honor our ever-present relationships, we realize that what we energetically extend is often what is reflected in us.

The most significant healing often happens when we are truly present in the moment, with whatever we are experiencing.

That can be hard when we’re feeling pain, exhaustion, overwhelmed and stressed. If you’ve ever sat at the bedside of a loved one facing a serious life-threatening illness, you know how helpless you can feel.

In this Blog, I’ll explore how you can enhance the gift of presence with flower essence aromatherapy loving care.

Gifting the Presence of Connection

Socially, we are hard-wired to connect; it’s built into our human DNA. But connecting with presence can be challenging even in the best of times. Our need for connection can be even more pronounced and profound when sick, tired, or being with another human being’s suffering.

Presence is essential in any relationship of care. Presence is one of those intangibles, defined first as a person-to-person physical presence. More importantly, another more elusive presence is a presence felt as empathy or as the spirit that touches the heart.

Presence means connecting with and attuning to one another for healing and enrichment in a sharing mutuality. Quality time shared is intentional. Connecting with people requires thoughtful planning; you must make time for it.

We can fill our special moments with genuine positivity, harmony, kindness, and care. When caring is present, patients experience feelings of comfort and empathy, of being at ease, and of being held in the healing space of love.

This caring connection can help compensate for the pain and sorrow that we might feel while providing care. Just seeing the light of hope, relief, and presence in the other’s eyes has the power to transform suffering.

Caregivers who offer heartfelt acts of meaningful connection and presence evoke an essential element of the healing process, soothing vulnerability and conveying love.

A holistic approach to the gift of presence integrates love and empathy in the provision and process of care. We experience good care, kindness, and charity from moments of presence.

Human connection is sharing the gift of presence. It’s the ultimate connection: the foundation for emotional and spiritual wellbeing. When we connect with the present, we exchange positive energy with one another. Presence, like connection, is something that can be cultivated and practiced.

The process of care alone is empty without presence. Presence alone is insufficient without a concrete connection. By actively engaging in caring through the authentic presence and intentional contact, we optimize each person’s ability to heal from within.

Empathy Matters

Empathy encompasses a connection to another person and an understanding that includes the mind, body, and soul. The ability to put ourselves in another’s shoes is the key to understanding other people’s experiences. Empathy helps us feel seen, heard, and understood. Genuine compassion motivates us to relieve another’s suffering when we can empathize with them.

Compassion is kindness rooted in an appreciation of other human beings as real people who also suffer.

Expressing empathy is highly effective for both the caregiver and the patient. Compassionate empathy creates a beautiful balance between the head and the heart even as we look for an opportunity to help heal, comfort and care.

Conveyed through eye contact, a smile, or a touch, improved outcomes that accompany it benefit us all, increasing patient trust, calming anxiety, improving recovery outcomes, and imparting a sense of safety and belonging.

Loving Care

Every movement in the universe is a movement toward love. This is true even in situations that appear opposite to love at first glance. We can become loving emissaries of hope and comfort to each other when we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear and helplessness.

So when we do not know which way to turn and what we can do to help make comfort care practical and immediate, you can support your loved one with Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy Loving Care Kit.

Our Loving Care Kit is comfort care at your fingertips, ready to use with someone facing a serious illness, patients in recovery, or a palliative or hospice care setting. It contains 2 Sprays: Amore Love Spray, Anxiety Relief Spray, and Shanti Serenity Body Oil.

Designed specifically to meet the needs of people who are receiving palliative care, the collection includes essential oil blends to reduce anxiety, enhance mood and promote a sense of wellbeing. Shanti Serenity Body Oil not only helps to reduce muscle tension, relax and relieve joint pain, increase skin hydration, and repair damaged skin, it truly offers a serene experience.

Loving Care KitUsed in a variety of care settings, caregivers can mitigate suffering using Loving Care Kit benefits can change a person’s healing outlook and

  • empower a sense of safety and connection
  • manage pain
  • improve sleep quality
  • move stagnant energy
  • reduce stress, agitation, and anxiety
  • soothe sore joints
  • ease headaches and migraines
  • alleviate side effects of chemotherapy
  • fight bacteria, viruses, or fungus
  • improve digestion
  • improve hospice and palliative care
  • boost immunity.

Loving Care Kit may help relieve the symptoms and stress of a serious illness, whatever the diagnosis or prognosis. The goal is to improve the patient’s and family’s quality of life and help people gain the strength to carry on with daily life. It improves their ability to tolerate medical treatments. It also helps support family caregivers and provides practical support.

A simple hand massage using Shanti Serenity Body Oil can quickly ground and relax the body and mind with healing intent. The sensory experience of vibration, aroma, and touch can convey a whole range of emotions – reassurance, empathy, comfort, love, compassion, and presence.

Caregiver Self-Care

Ninety million Americans are living with serious illness, which is expected to more than double over the next 25 years with the aging of the baby boomers. This means that the need for care and those who give comfort are higher than ever before.

Today, family caregivers provide about 80 percent of elder care. More than a job, caregivers can bring hope, control, and a chance at a better quality of life for seriously ill patients and their families.

For individuals living with a serious illness and their caregiving family and friends, flower essence aromatherapy Comfort Care Kits offers an opportunity to live as well and as fully as possible. 

Compassionate Caregiver KitIt is important to remember that we must care for ourselves to be able to be present for others. Stress and fatigue often make it difficult for us to connect with presence. Compassion and self-compassion help caregivers embody resilience and emotional intelligence.

Vital for rejuvenating our energy reserves and replenishing our spiritual bank, our Compassionate Caregiver Kit help caregivers and their families relieve stress, inspire hope for healing, and soothe and calm their fears.

Our Compassionate Caregiver Kit also contains two sprays and one oil: Hope Spray, Release Spray, and Praśānta Calming Oil.

Self-care is not selfish. Many confuse the two, but taking time for yourself and taking care of your stress can rejuvenate your body and soul and give you the energy to provide compassionate care when suffering is present.

As a caregiver, you’ll feel energized to take on your responsibilities, feeling recharged and refreshed with greater focus and compassionate presence.

From the Heart

We can be empathetic ambassadors of comfort by generously sharing our gift of presence and intent for loving connection. The first step concerns each of us to relieve suffering, which is integral to authentic care.

But it’s a life-giving, soul-filling kind of work. We must be aware that the opportunity of helping someone else lies in the willingness to face difficult moments together, never alone.

Even flower essence aromatherapy tools cannot replace the warmth of light from the small flame of love that shines in the depths of the heart. But using these tools empowers each of us from the heart of love with grace to meet suffering of all kinds.

In this loving space, miracles are present when I want to be present for you.

All my aromatic love,
