“All is known in the sacredness of silence.” – Rumi

This is the magical season of Holiday Cheer, family and friends, and festive time out of time. 

As the winter solstice approaches, bringing with it the longest night of the year, we’re reminded of the profound rhythm of nature and the wisdom it imparts. It may be a return to the light, but this week’s winter solstice energetically ushers in the season of an inward journey.

This season is more than just a time of cold and darkness; it’s a powerful period for seasonal rituals, introspection, honoring the dark, the quiet and stillness that winter brings, and preparing ourselves to embrace the return of light with vibrance and joy.

The winter solstice is one of my favorite events where I surrender to a time of profound transformation and introspection. Solstice offers a unique opportunity to reflect, realign, and embrace the magic of nature’s cycles. Here are a few thoughts to ponder as we celebrate and come together with family and friends.

Yule Celebrations

In Pagan traditions, the winter solstice is known as Yule. Yule is a good time to set intentions that align with peace, love, harmony, and increased happiness. Take time to celebrate Yule in simple ways, such as a family meal, a walk in nature, or just sharing what you are thankful for with your family and friends.

To Know the Light

“To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.

To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,

and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,

 and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.”

–Wendell Berry

In these Solstice moments, we reflect on the past year’s journey – the lessons learned and the gifts received. Let’s soak ourselves and the world in the aromatic medicine of replenishment.

Inner Peace and Self-Care

At Fleur, we understand the power of finding serenity amidst the busyness of life. This is why I wanted to take a moment to remind you of the importance of self-care rituals during this joyful yet often hectic time during the holidays.

Being at peace with yourself sounds pretty simple. But we know it certainly isn’t always easy, especially with busy lives and small children.

As you move through your day, I invite you to pause for a moment each hour, breathe deeply, and gauge your level of internal peace. Take time to connect with nature, a child’s laughter and delight, and most importantly, take time with seasonal rituals to honor all you do and are.

I encourage you to create pockets of calm and tranquility for yourself. Do things that bring you happiness, help you recharge, and nourish your soul. Whether practicing mindfulness, taking a long soak in your bath, or simply enjoying a cup of tea, these small acts of self-care can profoundly impact your well-being.

Alchemical Wellness Bundles for the Ultimate Solstice-Yule Wind-Down

Finding quiet space to slow down, rest, and nourish yourself is imperative in this very yin time of year.

Explore our specially curated Alchemical Wellness Bundles to help you Indulge in pampering yourself. From Relaxing Detox to Immune support or enhancing deep restorative sleep, our Bundles are discounted to help bolster your inner light so you continue to stay healthy and whole.

The Peace We Seek with Shanti Serenity Body Oil

As the frantic holiday season peaks, I take shelter in the world of stillness with the comforting aroma of Shanti Serenity Oil. Its synergistic blend of essential oils of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Neroli (Citrus aurantium var. amara), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea), Melissa (Melissa officinalis), and Bourbon Vanilla (Vanilla plantifolia), encourages a deep let-go of pent-up inner tension.

Massage Shanti Serenity Oil into points above your eyebrows and forehead. Breathe deeply in its aroma and feel its soothing serenity wash over you. It is best used in the late afternoon or evening for its profound relaxing effects.

As you relax into yourself, you will authentically begin to accept that being at peace with yourself becomes easier.

Blue Lotus Magic

“The Lily that Sines in the Earth.” -The Egyptian Book of the Dead

This past September, I made a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Egypt. My life was forever transformed by the numerous mystical experiences I had. They have profoundly impacted me, altering my perceptions and beliefs in ways I never thought possible.
These experiences have opened me to new aromatic possibilities. The beautiful aromas enchant every aspect of our senses, mind, and heart, causing us to turn toward what we smell.
I am excited to share our latest aromatic jewel, Seshen Blue Lotus Absolute Sacred Anointing Oil, with you. This beautiful anointing oil is an intoxicatingly alluring floral masterpiece. Its aroma is a perfect accompaniment as we transition seasons and invite new visions of possibility and inner connection.

A Potent Calming Effect

One of the chief reasons behind the popularity of Seshen Blue Lotus Anointing Oil is its potent calming effect on the mind and body. Its complex chemical composition, rich in alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenols, imbues it with the power to alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. Its effects are achieved by anointing the brow and breathing in the scent.

A deep inhale of this mystical oil will transport you to an oasis of serenity, making it an ideal choice for those seeking relief from the stresses of everyday life. As an anointing oil, its effects are mesmerizing and suitable for meditation, opening the third eye, dispelling negative emotions and thoughts, and opening the crown chakra to support one’s spiritual path. 

My experience using Seshen Blue Lotus Absolute evokes a mildly euphoric, blissful sense of tranquility, heightening an altered sense of awareness. It seems to enhance pineal gland activation, raising dimensional frequency. Its unique soul-pattern qualities encourage noticeable relaxation, sensual opening, blooming, and uplifting of consciousness, a discernable change in my perception, clairvoyance, and intuition.

Seshen Blue Lotus Absolute remains a treasured ethereal spirit oil to this day. I know you’ll love Seshen Blue Lotus Anointing Oil! Highly concentrated – a little goes a long way.

Solstice Blessings and The Conspiracy of Love

To notice moments of magic encourages a pause, to marvel, to be. Prepare yourself for the New Year with a generous spirit, inner peace, and the energy of love. Use the container of winter solstice to reflect on your most heartfelt wishes for the year to come.

“This is the solstice, the still point
of the sun, its cusp and midnight,
the year’s threshold
and unlocking, where the past
lets go and becomes the future.”

– Margaret Atwood

The way of inner peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things. “Be the peace we seek,” and show up for what you believe in with an open heart and soulful light.

I wish you a wonderful holiday surrounded by the comfort of love. However, you celebrate, may you be renewed as you welcome 2024!

All my Aromatic Love,
