“Beneath the light, the river and hills are beautiful, the spring breeze bears the fragrance of flowers and grass.” –Du Fu (Classical Chinese Poet of the Tang Dynasty 712–770 AD)

Happy Spring Equinox Blessings!

I am sure you will agree this is a beautiful time of the year when Nature awakens. With bursting blossoms and flowering bulbs, new grass, and the greening of trees, we also awaken in body, mind, and spirit.

We are entering a sacred time. A time to honor the Equinox portal, a time-outside-time brimming with life-force energy, creative potential, timeless wisdom, and initiation.

I invite you to explore more deeply what it means to embrace your precious human life, interconnected, alive, and in harmony with Nature.

Spring Equinox Life Force

I warmly welcome you to pause during Equinox and tune into Nature’s deeper currents of renewal and rejuvenation. Spring offers us a cause to celebrate.

I feel the quickening pulse of Nature surging within with increased energy, purpose, and drive to accomplish my goals, move my body, and engage my senses in all that is alive!

The vernal Equinox has been celebrated for thousands of years – and no wonder. March 20th marks the end of winter, indicated by the equal length of day and night worldwide.

With the passing of winter, there’s a sense that life begins again. It’s a period of rebirth, of new life and new possibilities. Butterflies emerge. Birds remember their dawn songs. Bees buzz. Plants and humans begin new cycles of growth. 

Spring season is this magical time when we can plant new seeds (energetically and figuratively), anchoring ourselves so deeply into the body to receive the land’s wisdom and the sun’s nourishing light. The air element associated with spring also increases the sensory perception of smell and the fresh, inspiring fragrance of flowers carried on the breeze.

Last year I shared a ritual to pause and welcome “first light” on the morning of the vernal Equinox. It is a powerful ritual, which I’ll revisit this year. I invite you to join me. You can learn more about this ritual on my 2022 blog: Spring Alchemy Meditation.

The Ritual of Noticing

The saying “where attention goes, energy flows” is true. Now is the time to start getting some clarity on what is really important. The transition to spring is the time to create a ritual honoring the element of air, the winds of change, taking a breath, and stopping to notice the transitions of your own life.

To rebirth with the cosmic forces of Nature is an intentional act. As we transition from one season to the next, becoming intentional through noticing with our senses what is transforming during the Equinox helps us to align as conscious participants. Seeing, smelling, and hearing throughout the seasons connects us to the ancient habit of noticing what’s changing in the places we love.

The Wood Element

The element associated with the spring is the element of wood. Known for its strength and flexibility and is linked with the color green representing growth. The life-force energy of the wood element is forceful and purposeful. 

I am reminded that spring has sprung, with delight, when I see the little flowering buds on the fruit trees in my garden and daffodils, narcissus, and other fragrant flowers emerging, reaching for the light and warmth of the sun.

My backyard avocado tree is finishing its abundant offering of delicious winter avocados and just beginning its new cycle of blooms attracting bees to pollinate a recurring cycle of growth.

California Natives

Due to the rains this year, some native California plants are just beginning to flower. I expect to see more blooms along the hillsides, besides the creeks, and in the valleys in the coming weeks.

Recently I noticed a glowing soft, powdery blue covering the nearby north-facing coastal hills just a few miles from the sea. California lilacs, or Ceanothus, are some of California’s most fragrant and colorful shrubs that bloom in the late winter and early spring.

On a day after the last rain a week ago, when the sky was blue and the sun warm, I excitedly took some time to hike up into the hills.

Like Ferdinand the Bull, I sat in meditation in the native chaparral surrounded by the thousands and thousands of tiny delicate little flowers that grow in dense ceanothus blue clusters releasing their heavenly, sweet aroma.

I placed my crystal bowl and filled it with artisanal spring water at the base of a blooming Ceanothus bush. I invited Ceanothus’s consciousness to share her healing energy and essence with me.

Communing with the energy of an awakening landscape, surrounded by the buzzing of bees and listening to her wisdom, I happily reflected on the blessings of Nature’s cyclical intelligence. In this state, I was immersed in an interconnectedness that felt embodied, content, uplifting, and grateful. I was reminded that when we pause to ‘smell the flowers’, we can avail ourselves of a life-force resilience that will carry us forward to all corners of our lives.

The Consciousness of Flowers

With life blooming all around, we can take advantage of the consciousness of flowers – for our happiness and for our health.

Flowers are part of the long tradition of Shamanic and Earth-based healing. Earth-based aromatherapists and shamans access and utilize the intelligence inherent in Nature to support personal transformation and healing. 

The potency of a flower’s essence can be transmitted across space because the plant’s energy is alive with consciousness. Through the plant’s flower essences and the potency of its essential oils, we expand our thinking to include the possibilities of Nature’s ability to connect with us. Flower essences are sensitive to and respond to human thought and intention.

No doubt, the subtleties of the essences of flowers and place contribute to our well-being and influence our health. The natural potency of essences comes not only from flowers, sun, or water but from the awareness-love-consciousness of the person making the essence, connecting to Nature through the plant.

Therefore, because of their range and adaptability, the essences of flowers align with and support any system of medicine or healing modality. They are conscious remedies. This means they work in unison with the awareness of the person using them.

Flowers and their essences have the power to help us increase mental clarity, improve comprehension and understanding, and shine the light of awareness toward knowledge of our patterns of thinking and consequent behaviors. 

Alchemy of Renewal Starts with Yourself

Your body, mind, and spirit follow the sun as the natural world wakes up. Honoring the spirit of renewal means participating in ancient rituals releasing the old, and creating space for the new.

“Rituals are about paying attention. They’re about stopping for a moment and noticing what you’re about to do, what you’ve just done, or both. They’re about making the most of a particular moment.”  –-Peter Bregman

Spring energy provides a powerful opportunity to orient our nervous system toward the momentous ‘yang’ energy of expansion and to align our intentions to the joy of becoming more of what we long to see in the world.

The keyword that encapsulates the spring Equinox is “balance” — day and night, within and without. Balance requires taking risks and expanding our comfort zones, replacing complacency with creativity. That may not mean a 50/50 balance of anything, but a sense of finding your own balance point on the continuum that is your life.

So where do we place our attention?

The Ritual of Attention and Intention

The spring Equinox invites us to pause and gather our energy to move forward in our lives. Through the Ritual of Attention and Intention, we actively manifest what we are called to be and do.

Anything can become a ritual with attention and intention. This is my moment to honor __________________ by slowing down and paying attention while I ___________________.

The key to manifesting our dreams takes present moment attention, focus, and clarity of mind and heart. We manifest through the law of attraction. The definition of the Law of Attraction is attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, focus, and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted.

Our thoughts are like magnets. They will draw into our lives more of what we are thinking about, positive or negative. Intention carries belief in your ability to carry out the steps toward your goal, purpose, or aim. Your intention commits itself to a course of action.

A Simple Manifestation Ritual

This simple ritual requires dedicated daily time, attention to detail, and intention of purpose. Of course, there are many nuances to this, as you must FEEL that you are worthy to receive what you desire and that you already have what you’re visualizing.

  • Start by adding Awakening Ritual Essence to a glass of water and drinking it, or place a few drops on the top of your head and at your heart.
  • Take a moment to write down what it is that you want and intend (your goals) to bring into manifestation, harnessing the springboard of equinox energy.
  • Mist Manifestation Spray around your head and body, breathe deeply and hold your intention in your heart.
  • Ask yourself: Is my dream realistic? Doable? What support/ tools/ resources do I need? Who supports me? Who else benefits if I achieve this?
  • Identify the specific action steps you’ll take to fulfill your intention. Write them down.
  • Visualize the outcome of your dream as if it has already manifested.
  • State aloud the outcome of your manifestation using an I AM statement. For example, “I am healthy, whole, and happy!”
  • Feel gratitude for its manifestation as wash through you.
  • Reinforce your intention daily by attending to and affirming concrete examples of the evidence of what’s manifesting. These need not be big overarching examples but smaller, more subtle changes that build upon each other due to your consistency in maintaining your action steps.

Importantly, enjoy the practice and process of energizing your attention and intention as the season continues to gain energy.

The Skin-Care Ritual

To revitalize your skin, consider the ritual of daily self-massage. If you haven’t taken care of your skin during winter, you will notice how dry and dehydrated it may be.

Please read my previous blog, 6 Steps to Glowing Spring Skin.

CelluCleanse Body Oil cleanses and hydrates the skin as much as decongests the underlying tissues to help detox the buildup of winter toxins.

The alchemical synergy blend is deeply moisturizing and formulated in a base of organic Jojoba, Sea Buckthorn fruit, and Helio Carrot oils. Together, they have anti-inflammatory properties that may help skin hydration, elasticity, and cell regeneration. Naturally high in vitamins A and E, carotenes, flavonoids, and essential amino acids, our base oil is remarkably helpful for nourishing and revitalizing healthy skin tissue.

Your skin and body will thank you for your attention and the brief time it takes to care of yourself!

The Ritual of Restoration

The transition into spring activates the Air element stimulating the mental realm. There is an increased force of “FOCUS” on the intellect, imagination, ideas, dreams, and wishes. This spring season stimulates creativity and the tendency to overthink and overdo.

Many of my clients are reporting deep fatigue as we enter into this season. Spring comes with longer periods of daylight that can interfere with restorative sleep.

World Sleep Day 2023 takes place on the Friday before the Spring Equinox. Some people might like to think they have matured enough not to need to follow a bedtime routine, but establishing a healthy sleep routine may be the best way to fall asleep when you want and maintain sleep through the night.

Studies show that it can take a few weeks for our bodies to reset to spring, and while it is happening, symptoms such as irritability, daily fatigue, and constant insomnia may happen. This is due to the internal melatonin and cortisol production changes that interrupt sleep patterns. Setting your internal body clock to a regular routine can help your body fall asleep more quickly as it expects sleep at a certain time.

Building good habits should make sleep come more easily over time. With increasing light, restoring the mind and body is essential to maintain balance and equilibrium between mind, body, and spirit. Utilizing our Blissful Dreams Nighttime Alchemy aromatherapy bundle will assist you in rebalancing your circadian rhythms so that you sleep soundly and wake refreshed.

This bundle contains three of our signature products: Blissful Dreams Nighttime Alchemy

  • 1 oz Sweet Dreams Spray
  • 1 oz Nidra Rest & Restore Oil
  • 4 oz Magnesium Lotion

Save when purchasing the bundle or purchase the products as a standalone choice.

Nidra Rest & Restore Oil’s soporific essential oils will quickly let you let down and drift off into restorative sleep.

Magnesium Lotion may improve your sleep. It plays an important role in your nervous system, helping to activate mechanisms that quiet and calm you. It may also help relieve anxiety and depression, which can interfere with sleep.

Restorative sleep supports healthy balanced energy! It is one of the important foundations for feeling happy and energetic.

Harnessing Spring Energy

The Spring Equinox is a sacred time. It’s a seasonal gateway filled with opportunities to discover how you plan on embracing your precious human life, embodied, interconnected, alive, and in harmony with Nature.

No matter how you choose to celebrate the changing of seasons, the spring Equinox invites you to pause, take stock, and pay close attention to what sets you free, what brings you joy, and what supports your thriving so that you can show up fully resourced.

To live boldly in service toward creating the world you long to see is mindful action and includes accepting our circumstances, experiences, and ourselves. 

As you tune your body and harness the deeper currents of the spring Equinox, you remember again that you are not an isolated island. You belong to something greater. You are deeply resourced.

May the unfathomable forces of renewal and rejuvenation allow you to turn toward what nourishes you most this season and beyond.

Wishing you the fragrant delight of spring flowers!

All my aromatic love,
