“There is no salvation without regeneration, no spiritual life without a new birth, no heaven without a new heart.” –J.C.Ryle

Happy Summer Solstice!

Human beings carry within themselves the seeds of regeneration. When we align with the forces of nature to pursue wellness, we can relax and regenerate our spirit, allowing healing energy to flow freely.

We have entered a very magnetic time of year: the Summer Solstice! This is the day that the Earth’s tilt toward the Sun reaches its solar maximum—a day that people across the Earth have observed and treated as sacred since ancient times.

In the Blog, I’ll share how our Alchemical Wellness tools can help you harness the Sun’s and Moon’s healing energies to regenerate authentic liveliness and self-love and illuminate soulful joy.


Ancestral Wisdom

Since the beginning of time, our ancestors have marked the Summer Solstice with rituals and celebrations. Observed in various ways around the world, through a range of celebrations and customs, we welcome the arrival of Summer.

Thousands of people gather each year to watch the beautiful sight of the Sun at sunrise and sunset, which is celebrated the night of June 19 through the morning of June 21 this year.

In this Blog, I draw upon known traditions and my intuition. 


Summer Rhythmic Shifts

The Sun’s cycle through the seasons mirrors the cycle of our lives and reflects the natural flow of energy moving inward and outward.

The Summer Solstice signifies the transition from the power of spring action to nourishment, which is precisely what the Sun provides us during the long nights of summer.

This is the rhythm and cycle of nature. Crossing the threshold marks the start of an exhilarating journey filled with limitless opportunities and personal growth. 

Summer is the season for self-improvement and finding meaning in our journey, even in uncertainty. Summer reminds us that there is hope in the world and that the light within can spread to the far reaches of our world and inspire others.

Just as the sun provides us with life-giving warmth, we have the opportunity to embody its powerful light and offer nurturing care to others.


Summer Solstice 2024

For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, Midsummer marks the Summer Solstice, when days are longer than nights. Just as we align with the Moon’s journey every month, we can align with the Sun’s journey throughout the year.

This point marks the second phase of the Earth’s journey around the Sun, which starts with the Spring Equinox, resulting in our longest day of the year and heightened physical and energetic light.

The Summer Solstice holds universal symbolism that speaks to our shared human experience. It represents the peak of vitality, the celebration of abundance, and the infinite potential that resides within each of us.

As the veil thins, we collect maximum sunlight when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky. By honoring this day of light, we energetically set in motion a period of awakening in our consciousness that lasts all summer until the Fall Equinox.

Summer Solstice is a powerful time, providing a beautiful opportunity to engage in ritual work that grounds us in regenerative empowerment practices.

This Solstice, let’s gather to celebrate and embody the renewing power of light for ourselves and the Earth.


Creating Your Summer Solstice Ceremony

Ceremonies come in many shapes and sizes and vary greatly depending on beliefs and traditions. When creating a ceremonial space, the most important thing to remember is to do whatever feels right for you.

I encourage you to incorporate what you need from the Summer Solstice Ritual below. 

Preferably, it’s best to perform this Ritual outside so you can take advantage of the light from the Sun and Moon.


Consciously Design the Flow of Your Day 

Please ensure ample time and space in your schedule for your Solstice Ritual. 

Honor yourself and the surrounding elements to create a positive intention-setting space promoting receptivity as you engage in your ritual.


Honor Polarity Energy

This year, on June 20th/21st, we observe a rare celestial event, creating an intensely powerful window of opportunity, making this a particularly potent time.

The full Moon coincides with the summer solstice. The alignment of the full Moon and the Summer Solstice window creates a powerful polarity infused with regenerative energy.

The sun is at its highest point of the year, while the moon directly opposite, is at its lowest. This amplifies yang and yin energies, respectively.

We harness the powerful magnetic energy of the Moon to draw out and amplify our deepest emotions and intuitions.

Traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon, this lunation has a spiritual meaning: It calls us to use practical magic, realign with our intentions, and unite our ambitions with our heart’s most meaningful desires.

The polarity of the full Moon allows us to gain new insights into ourselves and an awareness of our feelings through a shift in awareness (like a lightbulb moment).


Golden Light Code Infusion

Illumination is key on this magical day. As we experience more sunlight, we see the opportunity to reflect upon ourselves, clearing the path for what is yet to come.

I love the increased light! Since I awake early before dawn, I am energetically inspired and feel happiness carried in the light that stirs my heart and empowers me.

Infusing the Sun’s golden light helps us activate and anchor cosmic light codes as the Sun stands still.

Light codes are extraordinary frequency transmissions that establish heightened levels of sensitivity within our physical and spiritual bodies.

Each of us is responsible for our own mental, emotional, and physical needs. When we tap into the frequency of spiritual light codes and activate them at a cellular level, they can profoundly and positively impact us.

A sincere desire to open ourselves to the highest realities of our physical and spiritual selves is the key to self-healing, allowing regenerative energy to flow into us unimpeded.

These energies may trigger the recollection of your sacred essence, enabling you to surpass the past’s constraints and narratives and prepare for the next phase of your soul’s journey.

In the light of the Summer Solstice, we pause and celebrate the cycles of life and the abundance of our Earth. We harness the Sun’s energy and ignite the healing light within.

With conscious intention, we embrace the purest and most potent healing light codes as they flow through us during the Solstice.


Set Your Intentions

The Summer solstice is an energetically charged day and an important one for setting intentions.

Start your day by setting the intention that you are dedicating time to honoring yourself so you maximize your inner light. 

Focus on meeting your essential needs and practicing self-care. Allow yourself to relax, pause from busyness, and appreciate the abundance of sunlight as the season changes. 

Attune yourself to the day’s energy by being mindful of reducing worldly distractions. The unadulterated flow of your awareness will re-establish itself, revealing the needs of the body, heart, and soul, empowering you to tap into the essential regenerative energy of the Solstice.

Here are some ways I use to align with this day and harness its power to build the light within.

Intentional Themes for Regeneration

Focus your intentions on the regenerative themes of this Summer Solstice phase: patience, nourishment, regeneration, and trust.

Create powerful “I am” statements that reflect these qualities and their development. Include “reception” statements that open you to receiving the energies available on this day.

Examples are:

“I am enlivened by the golden light codes at Solstice, the energy needed to regenerate myself and nourish my goals this year.”

“I am open to the energy of patience as I pause in the nourishment of stillness.”

“I am resilient because I trust life’s cycles.”

Set your intentions and write them down.

These will serve as a constant reminder throughout the entire summer.


Prepare Yourself

Solitude and the ability to seek refuge in the light on Solstice in a beautiful and peaceful space are essential aspects of the ritual process. It is a shamanic process. You’ll undergo a transformative self-initiation process through the ancient rite of anointing.

During this Solstice Ritual, you may undergo a transformative self-initiation process.


Journaling to Consolidate & Reflect

Journaling can be a beautiful practice for self-discovery and healing. The practice may bring to light any shadows hiding what no longer serves you or your purpose or to be aware of what is ready to be birthed in this cycle.

Utilize the energy of the summer solstice to discover, embrace, and empower your inner goal, taking the next two essential steps to advance this process.

You may journal to reflect on all the milestones you set out to achieve this year and refocus on fulfilling goals yet manifested. If you set goals at the beginning of the year or around the Spring Equinox, now is an excellent time to revisit and review your earlier intentions and goals.

Ask yourself: How far have I come? What have I already achieved? Am I still aligned with these goals? What can I do to refresh, revitalize, and regenerate my aspirations?  


Alchemical Wellness Tools

This Ritual uses the following Alchemical Wellness Flower Essence Aromatherapy support tools: 


Solstice Day

Start your day by rising early to bask in the morning sun. Breathe deeply the refreshing air and the scents of dawn. Immerse yourself in the melodic tunes of the morning songbirds. Let their enchanting melodies captivate you.

Drink lemon water to cleanse and refresh yourself. Lemon also provides essential vitamin C and electrolytes such as potassium, which help maintain hydration levels and improve energy, keeping you fresh and cool during the summer heat. You may also sip lemon water throughout your day.

Decorate your Altar with

  • Summer flowers: Sunflowers and marigolds are traditionally seen as floral symbols of the summer solstice.
  • Yellow candles.
  • Yellow Crystals: (my favorites for Solstice!)
    • Amber is a form of solidified sunlight, as it is created through light synthesis by plants and trees. Its direct link to the Sun makes it a wonderful source of light energy. Bringing this beacon of light and positivity into the summer amplifies this energy, making Amber an excellent companion during the summer solstice.is another fantastic crystal linked to the Sun.
    • Citrine is also known for its ability to awaken the powers of your creative energy. Please spend some time with Citrine this summer solstice, and let its energizing focus help you manifest your summer dreams and make them a reality!
  • Wear yellow and golden-hued clothing.

Late afternoon, bathe or shower as final preparation for the Summer Solstice Ritual.


A Summer Solstice Ritual 2024

Honoring this day of light with a sacred, intentional ritual will ground you in the present moment and center you in your heart. Energetically, you’ll set in motion a period of awakening in your consciousness that lasts all summer until the Fall Equinox.

I recommend you perform your Summer Solstice Ritual outside in the evening before sunset.

Time: 20-30 minutes

  • Begin by drinking half a cup of lemon water infused with 3 drops of Regeneration Ritual Essence.
  • Have your “I AM” intentions you made earlier nearby.
  • Sit or stand with your bare feet on the ground.
  • Anoint your brow and your heart with Atara Illumination.
  • Pause and take a deep breath, allowing the exquisite scent to open your 6th and 7th chakras.
  • Exhale slowly into the Earth through the soles of your feet.
  • Hold in your hand(s) any yellow crystals you have gathered.
  • Call upon your spirit guides to call upon their love and support and to witness your process.

Imagine that you are a Beautiful Empty Vessel.

  • Pausing in the evening stillness, close your eyes and breathe slowly and mindfully, aware of the golden light energy flowing toward you from the Sun.
  • Simultaneously, feel the beautiful Strawberry Moon’s magnetic pull, bringing your yin energy to the surface.
  • Be aware of the polarity between these celestial bodies.
  • Continue slow, deep breaths, patient for the gifts the Solstice evening.
  • Focus on the warmth of the sunlight as you breathe in the golden light.
  • Exhale golden light.
  • Visualize the golden light coalescing within you, filling every cell in your body.
  • Continue slow, deep breaths, connecting with your “I AM” loving presence, the embodiment of the sacred.
  • Exhale your “I AM” presence, allowing yourself to take up space energetically.
  • Feel the powerful encounter of the Sun and Moon as their energy connects with yours, creating a vibrant dance within you.
  • Experience the magical moment as the Sun appears to stand still in the golden light, pregnant with soulful communication. 

Regenerative Light Codes

  • Pausing in the evening stillness, breathe slowly and mindfully.
  • Continue slow, deep breaths, aware that your exhale opens the space within.
  • Visualize/ imagine/ intuit the sacred codes of light carried on your breath in the light.
  • As you breathe with intention, sense the activation of wisdom encoded within your DNA.
  • With each breath you receive, allow your curiosity to explore its beautiful light language.
  • With each exhale, let go and surrender. 
  • In stillness, allow yourself to receive this Solstice 2024 Gift.

Anchoring your Ritual

  • Mist Trust Spray around your head and body to anchor and reinforce all you have received.
  • Take a deep breath and feel the universe’s trust, appreciation, and love for your willingness to participate in this Ritual.
  • Sit for a moment in silence, aware of your own experience, trusting of any emotions or feelings that have been stirred.
  • Pausing in the evening stillness, continue to breathe slowly and mindfully.
  • Feel the union of the Sun and Moon’s love, embracing the abundant flow of gratitude.
  • Sensing the radiant codes of light resonating within, feel their harmonizing frequencies.
  • Notice a deep inner peace, emotional healing, and a greater alignment with your authentic self.
  • Continue with slow, deep breaths, embodying the sacred.

State aloud your “I AM” intentions – 3x 

  • Continue slow, deep breaths, connecting with your “I AM” loving presence with gratitude.
  • Breathe in gratitude shared with your own heart, and feel its presence grow in the middle of your chest, the middle of your being.
  • Exhale slowly, sharing your gratitude and love into the world and through your feet.
  • Visualize the spreading golden light that connects with your loved ones and then to your community of friends.
  • Spread the blessings of the Ssolstice to their hearts with the light from your own heart.
  • From your sincerest love, visualize it radiating outward through codes of light to encompass the entire Earth and all inhabitants.

When complete, say aloud:

It is done, it is done, it is done.


I am healthy, I am whole, and I am home.


Concluding Your Summer Solstice Ritual

After completing the ritual, replenish your body by sipping on a glass of water infused with the potent Regeneration Ritual Essence.

Notice how you’re feeling. Take a moment to journal any enlightening moments from your Summer Solstice Ritual.

Acknowledge that the Summer Solstice is a time to fill your heart with rejuvenating love and regenerative acceptance of the beauty surrounding you.



“Wisdom consists in knowing one’s place in any given cycle and what kinds of action (or restraint of action) are appropriate for that phase.” –Richard Heinberg

Place your written “I AM” Intentions up on a wall so you can view and read them daily.

Trust that throughout the Summer season, you will continue to reap the benefits of your Summer Solstice Ritual.

Honor the power of light codes to fuel your dreams, renew your energy, harmonize your life, and elevate your spirit. Integrating the light codes unlocks their true potential, regenerating the sacred balance of life.

Embrace patience to receive and give blessings in all areas of your life. 

As the season unfolds, prioritize self-care by staying well-hydrated with water. This will help you thrive in all aspects of your life.

All my aromatic love,
