“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” — Helen Keller


Hawai’i has a profoundly rich relationship between the land, sea, and sky—the heart and rainbows.

In my previous blog, “The Spirit of Aloha,” I summarized my experience creating four exquisite Hawai’ian Ritual Essences on the Big Island of Hawaii.

In this blog, I will share the benefits of the beautiful Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence and share my experience of how I created it.

Take a walk with me through the Paleaku Peace Garden as we explore private meditation spaces and shrines throughout the sacred landscape and the often-overlooked shrine of Ikaika Wahine.

Sanctuary of Peace at Paleaku Gardens

The people of Hawai’i cherish and protect sacred lands and historical treasures throughout the island chain. Each sacred place possesses a unique mana (power or energy), with some pulsating more than others.

Preserving the integrity of these wahi pana (sacred places) and our right to access them is invaluable for honoring the spiritual heritage of the people of Hawai’i.

When I first visited the Paleaku Gardens of Peace Sanctuary in South Kona on the Big Island of Hawai’i, the peaceful morning was illuminated by the sun’s gentle rays, vibrant flowers, and a warm, fragrant breeze enveloping the garden with tranquility.

The sanctuary, located within a 7-acre botanical garden, emanates serene peace, profound spiritual energy, and breathtaking natural beauty, inviting contemplation and creative expression.

Many plants and trees, including mature shade trees, endemic to Hawai’i grow there. The garden provides stunning views overlooking Pu’uhonua o Honaunau, the Place of Refuge along the shores of Honaunau Bay.

Paleaku Peace Garden is a true sanctuary that embraces religious and spiritual diversity and promotes peace and harmony.

Walking in the garden took me through private meditation spaces and shrines, large and small, representing various world religions, including Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Catholicism.

Other non-sectarian shrines feature a Native American Medicine Wheel, Peace Poles, a Baha’i Nine-Pointed Star, two beautiful Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandalas, a Hebrew Tree of Life, and a Bodhi Tree.

Following my Heart

As I wandered upon paths, allowing my heart to guide me, my senses were acutely alive. Curiosity and a sense of wonder at the richness of this beautiful place drew me to commune with both the seen beauty and unseen energies.

Throughout the garden, I discovered small and large shrines, unique statuary, grottos and petroglyphs, and the world’s only Galaxy Garden.

I explored beautiful tropical displays and manicured foliage enveloping sacred shrines devoted to many of the world’s spiritual traditions.

Wandering around the mountainside garden, admiring the views, I come to one shrine after another on the grassy slopes, set amongst trees and flowers from Hawaii and other parts of the world.

Cave Grottos & Petroglyphs

But the real energy lies beneath the ground. Beneath the garden’s surface are honeycomb-like sacred caves in ancient lava, over three thousand years old.

The Kahunas, the Native Hawai’ian priests and healers, named the land Paleaku, which means a protective or “soft covering.”

During my meanderings, I discovered a lava cave grotto. Hidden in its depths are rare petroglyphs over eight hundred years old. They were hard to see, considering this area is considered Kapu, forbidden, and visitors cannot climb into it.

Hawaiian petroglyphs, known as ki’i kohapu, are ancient, mysterious lava carvings. At this very location, carvings of enigmatic figures bearing the angular form of triangles possibly symbolize an unbroken lineage of revered healers.

Experts don’t know for sure what they mean but believe they could depict everyday life, historical events, symbolisms, and metaphors or could have been used for medicinal and spiritual rituals.

Considering the effort needed to chip away at lava rock to carve the images, each picture and placement must have been very intentional.

The petroglyphs are best seen in the early morning or late afternoon when the long shadows from low light help define the outlines.

Standing in the peaceful quiet, with only the birds singing around me, I felt a timeless energy enveloping me. As I took a deep breath, I felt incredibly privileged to be alive and present to witness such an ancient site.

Hawaiian Heiau

Nestled within the landscape near the petroglyph grotto was a Heiau (spiritual altar), a sacred place of worship for Native Hawai’ians.

Hawai’ans believe the sacred is synonymous with power. The heiaus possess an enduring influence that transcends the bounds of time and space.

This small heiau made of lava stone is a raised platform on which rituals and prayers are traditionally offered to honor the aumākua, or guardians of the land at Paleaku.

The ‘aumākua are ancestral spirits that take the form of animals. At Paleaku, the ‘aumākua are the ‘io (hawk) and honu (turtle), which symbolize the land, sky, and water being joined here in a harmonious arrangement.

Experiencing The Goddess of Compassion – Ikaika Wahine

At first, I didn’t know she was there. I experienced a powerful heart-opening sensation that filled me with a trembling spiritual energy as I felt a strong pull at my heart when approaching this area.

As I peered through the foliage, hidden from the path, I saw that the Ikaika Wahine shrine stood as a sentry to the heiau and the ancient petroglyph grotto.

And there she was! Standing at the edge of a small pool, Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, holds a symbolic vase containing pure water capable of relieving suffering and sickness.

In her presence, I became aware of my heart chakra’s 12 petals. With each breath, I became aware of waves of rainbow light energy flowing from the central vortex of my heart forward and back, infusing my auric field and spilling into the environment.

I knew I was being guided to capture this sacred energy through a vibrational essence I could share with others.

Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence

To capture Ikaika Wahine’s essence at Paleaku, I began a ritual of honoring her presence.

I humbly sought the Goddess’s permission. I stood in silent reverence, conveying to the spirits my true essence and the purpose that brought me to their realm.

Then, I positioned my crystal bowl at her feet, filled it with natural spring water I had collected at the base of Kilauea, and began my meditation.

Invoking the timeless spirits of the land, the aumākua, and all magnificent creatures living here, I acknowledge the spiritual energy—mana—infused in all life forms, the unseen, and the peoples of this place, ancient and present.

In my prayer, I called upon my guides, spirit helpers, and allies to join me in my endeavor.

Acknowledging the timeless connection of the land, sky, and water intertwined in the powerful manalife force—that flowed through me and everything, I offered my heart.

In that moment, an overwhelming sense of gratitude stirred a profound conviction that I had been given access to the sacred, which transcended time and place.

Quietly, with each breath, exquisite energy flowed, pulsed, and vibrated with rainbow light from my heart. Enveloped and connected in her tranquil embrace, a serene peace enveloped me, offering the gift of calm contentment.

In my heart, I heard her words:

“Through my potent rainbow (anuenue) heart, all are welcome here.”


Gratitude Expands

A sweet, gentle feeling of deep acceptance filled me, inclusive of differing beliefs: The virtues of kindness, patience, joy, peace, caring, and empathy flowed with each breath.

With a smile on my lips, I lost all awareness of time. My inner being was filled with a sense of interconnectedness, graciousness, and generosity expressed through her sacred, timeless energy.

When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a shimmering spectacle of light, brilliant colors, and splendid sounds enveloping me. This is what mana is–an aliveness!

I reverently thanked Ikaika Wahine for her blessings and for sharing her compassionate love. I thanked the ancestors, my guides, for holding space with me.

With profound gratitude, I extended my heartfelt appreciation to the benevolent spirits and elementals of the garden sanctuary, Paleaku, for bestowing their enriching and boundless love upon me.

In this shimmering space, I thanked myself for listening to the ear of my heart and my willingness to trust with wonder this experience.

I continued to observe an inner silence, a profound strength from having my heart-mind attuned to the universal consciousness that pervades all things.


Ānuenue Aloha

Spirit is something you cannot capture, like the end of a rainbow; it has to be experienced.

Ānuenue (Hawaiian word for rainbow) is known as the Hawaiian Rainbow Goddess. She is known as a messenger of the gods. She was believed to be so beautiful that a rainbow followed her everywhere she went, bringing luck with her.

Witnessing a fleeting moment, a rainbow reveals its beauty and imparts the spirit of Aloha. Observing the rainbow and experiencing its beauty brings tranquility to our hearts and minds, filling us with joy.

The awe-inspiring natural phenomenon of the rainbow is deeply woven into the very fabric of Hawaiian culture.

The vibrant rainbow represents a beautiful homage to Hawaiian folklore and ancestors, forging a solid connection to the island’s cultural heritage.

Rainbows are sacred and hold significant spiritual meaning. They are often viewed as a symbol of divine communication and blessings from the gods.

Moreover, the symbolism of anuenue is what is so meaningful.

For Hawaiians, anuenue symbolizes a path.

The rainbow is more than just a colorful arc in the sky—it’s the mystical pathway connecting our earthly existence to the celestial realm, guiding us both in life and death.

Embodying the spirit of Aloha, a rainbow celebrates all unique differences, glowing with breathtaking beauty.


This is such a beautiful word. Say it with me: A-lo-ha!

Aloha is to learn what is not said, to see what cannot be seen, and to know the unknowable. Yet, as I experienced Ikaika Wahine, Aloha captured the spirit of the rainbow and the Heart of Paleaku:

FEA-Rainbow-Heart-Essence-ProductAkahai – kindness to be expressed with tenderness.

Lokahi – unity to be expressed with harmony.

Oluolu – agreeability to be expressed with pleasantness.

H  Haahaa – humility to be expressed with modesty.

Ahonui – patience to be expressed with thoughtfulness.

Unlock the power of positivity and inclusive love with Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence.

Immerse yourself in its vibrational energy and experience the heart-opening benefits for yourself.


The Rainbow is Everywhere

Beautiful murals paying homage to the rainbow and Hawai’ian folklore can be found throughout the islands.

Upon leaving the shrine of Ikaika Wahine, I visited the gift shop, which showcases works of art by local artists to preserve Hawaiian Culture.

Such is the art of Hawai’ian visionary artist Francine Hart

One of her prints, Haleaka, was on the wall. I realized it was of the Goddess as I experienced her while making Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence.

Haleakala’s image appeared to be smiling at me, and I realized that the synchronicity filled my experience with magic. I saw it as a personalized message from the Universe confirming the rightness of her gift. 

Then, I came upon another print by Francene. This one is titled Love Thy Neighbor. It resonated with inclusive rainbow heart energy for all people of all creeds, as the founders of Paleaku Sanctuary intended.

Inclusivity & Positivity

Inclusivity means ensuring everyone feels welcome, valued, and respected, regardless of who they are or where they come from.

Imagine a world where everyone is invited and treated fairly, regardless of background, race, gender, or beliefs.

Inclusivity involves creating a positive environment where everyone can freely express themselves, share their unique perspectives and talents, and love whom they choose.

Use Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence to attune to the unifying spiritual energy woven in its myriad forms through the Ikaika Wahine heart chakra of compassion, equality, hope, and joy.

It is simple to use.

  • Close your eyes and take a breath. Hold your intention close to your heart.
  • Say a prayer aloud or in silence.
  • Place a few drops under your tongue or on the top of the head
  • Add to your daily drinking water
  • Add a few drops to bath water
  • Anoint your chakras, especially your heart chakra.

Discover the beautiful vibrational energy contained in the Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence.

Immerse yourself in the transformative essence of the Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence. Let its vibrant rainbow energy infuse your being with boundless positivity.

Let it brighten your life, spreading kindness and love through our words, actions, and thoughts, fostering harmony in our daily lives like a rainbow.

Together, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and compassion.

All my aromatic love,

