“Let in the only thing that matters: your soul’s desire, the desire that you carry out the mission for which you came into the world. Do it now, do it lovingly, do it with gusto.” —Naomi Stephan

After Winter Solstice and the final days of 2021, the light during our days gradually begins its journey of return — awakening into a new cycle as we welcome 2022.

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself in the final days of December is to reflect on your achievements and accomplishments in both what you have done and who you have become.

It is a powerful time of the year to look back and recognize how much you have grown and how much power you possess to co-create better realities for yourself and everyone else.

With so many stresses and uncertainties, we can quickly lose perspective and become overwhelmed as our world changes.

However, there is a way to empower yourself to establish a firm foundation for the new year ahead.

Bringing the Sacred Home Ritual is one of the most potent practices any of us can do to acknowledge successes, gather wisdom, and release the disappointments of the past year.

Whether you are at a crossroads in your life, facing a health challenge, or have been eagerly waiting to leave 2021 behind, the experience of transformational magic happens when you turn down the volume of everyday life and tune in to your soul’s whisperings.

A Powerful Ritual of Illumination

Bringing the Sacred Home is a powerful ritual of illumination meant to raise your vibration and realign you to your soul’s sacred purpose. This practice is an integral part of how I complete the year feeling renewed, so I start the year feeling clear, empowered, on purpose, and whole.

Taking action in wholeness requires an intentional pause to gather your energy. After all, there is no limit to the power of your soul’s guidance. It whispers advice to inform you, offer you options, and assure you that your choices are healthy. In listening to your soul, you align with immeasurable support, and you shine a powerful light into the world with kindness, clarity, and sacred purpose.

Bringing the Sacred Home Ritual

To begin your ritual, find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed for at least 30 minutes.

Place six drops of Fleur Wholeness Ritual Essence on the top of your crown and under your tongue. Touch your chest to transfer the energy of the essence to your heart.

Close your eyes and ask yourself:

  • How has your presence has made a difference on this planet and with the people you’ve touched?
  • Who is one person’s life you’ve impacted this year?
  • What challenges and unexpected changes this past year did you meet with grace?
  • Have your challenges stretched you to be a more robust, better human? In what ways have you grown the most?
  • What must you leave behind to feel complete at this juncture of your life?

Let the Universe absorb your disappointments, regrets, failures, and self-judgments with compassion as you release the year.

Write down the answers that arise within yourself.

Next, mist Inspiration Spray around your head and body to help you ignite inspired creativity and sacred purpose.

Breathe deeply. Notice what becomes activated within.

Be open to impressions that surface in your awareness that reveal what you need to do next.

  • What is the one thing in your life makes your heart sing because you choose to give it energy, time, and focus?
  • What unfulfilled dreams, desires, projects, and purposes are waiting to be born?
  • What form or shape have they taken today than a year ago?

Write down your answers.

Anchor your wisdom by gently applying Shanti Serenity Oil to the center of your forehead and temples.

Rub your hands together and cup them before your nose. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, noticing the aroma’s effects on your body, mind, and spirit.

Sit in the sacred space of yourself, surrendering to your unique insights. In this space, as you conclude your ritual, breathe in gratitude for all that has been and for all that will be.

As you raise your vibration to bring in a more peaceful and harmonious New Year, know that your ritual has cultivated your inner ground. Incubating the seeds of love you have chosen to plant, you bring in new life, new ideas, and new inspiration to your life.

You must fully realize that what needs your care and attention is what makes you whole. This is the magic of alchemical wellness care.

Please review what you have written and implement the necessary steps, so you prosper, grow, and become. How will your relationships benefit from your luminous light? I encourage you to reach out to someone you care about and express your gratitude and insights or ask for their support.

Bringing the Sacred Home Ritual is an intentional process of recognizing how nature supports your evolution.

May you be inspired to welcome a new beginning as cycles turn and endings are honored.

All my aromatic love,
