Oct 19, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature
“Hands on your breast can keep your heart beating.” — Jenny Holzer In my years as a feminist supporting woman with their health and emotional wellbeing, I understand the vital importance of helping women understand their unique biology and how to...
Oct 10, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Relationships
“I want to be here, and equally important, I want to be here for you”. –Anon All of us are intrinsically connected to each other. When we honor our ever-present relationships, we realize that what we energetically extend is often what is reflected in us. The most...
Sep 23, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Ritual, Seasons
“May Autumnal Equinox be the beginning of new things in your life. May the negativity in your life end and may there is peace and happiness surrounding you.” ―Robin Wall Kimmerer Happy Mabon Equinox! Here we are again, acknowledging the turning wheel of the year. As...
Sep 19, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Relationships, Ritual
“Our people have always understood our relationship with the spirit of the cedar tree, so we always begin by thanking the cedar tree for giving its life for us.” –Puyallup tribal elder Connie McCloud Our ancient forefathers and foremothers recognized the spirit...
Sep 2, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature
The Flowers in all the colors of the rainbow remind us of how Life is restored. –-Vasudeva and Kadambii Barnao Wildflowers are often overlooked; they grow in the most extreme places everywhere and bloom a lot. Western Australia is home to the most extensive array of...
Aug 24, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Ritual
“Clarity is like casting light. Clarity allows us to see better and eases the path of understanding.” –Cyrus Panjvani As the start of the school year returns, parents and kids—many already struggling mentally from the recent years of disrupted...