Nov 16, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Relationships
“Alzheimer’s is about the present and the struggle, the scrappy brawl, the fight to live with a disease. It’s being in the present, the relationships, the experiences, which is the core of life, the courage to live in the soul.” –Greg...
Oct 31, 2022 | Relationships, Ritual, Seasons
“With my eyes turned to the past, I walk backwards into the future.” ―Yohji Yamamoto All Hallows Blessings! Many cultures worldwide celebrate their roots and connection to those who have come before, between the Autumnal equinox and Winter solstice. Families are...
Oct 10, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Relationships
“I want to be here, and equally important, I want to be here for you”. –Anon All of us are intrinsically connected to each other. When we honor our ever-present relationships, we realize that what we energetically extend is often what is reflected in us. The most...
Sep 19, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Relationships, Ritual
“Our people have always understood our relationship with the spirit of the cedar tree, so we always begin by thanking the cedar tree for giving its life for us.” –Puyallup tribal elder Connie McCloud Our ancient forefathers and foremothers recognized the spirit...
Jul 13, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Relationships
“When you become free of social conditioning, when you become free in the mental environment, when you become liberated from the shadows of your own past, you can demonstrate a spontaneity and an enthusiasm in life that are remarkably refreshing to others.”...
Jun 22, 2022 | Alchemical Wellness Care, Product Feature, Relationships, Ritual, Seasons
“As the sun spirals its longest dance – Cleanse Us. As nature shows bounty and fertility – Bless Us. Let all things live with loving intent And fulfill their truest destiny.” –Wiccan Blessing Happy Summer Solstice! Here we are again on the turning...