Core Business

At Fleur, we are passionate about holistic aromatherapy and the rich traditions that have shaped its origins.

Our Vision

Improving individuals’ quality of life by integrating the ancient alchemical art and science of flower essence aromatherapy to create balance, harmony, and wholeness.

Our Mission

Synergistic flower and vibrational essence and aromatherapy formulations are designed to deliver optimal results for our customers. We do this by:

  • Harnessing botanical essential oils’ profound healing properties and the transformative power of vibrational energy.
  • Supporting the well-being of individuals and families in body, mind, and spirit.
  • Enhancing physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual wisdom.
  • Providing comfort care products to alleviate suffering and relieve distress.
  • Empowering individuals to thrive and flourish at every stage of life, optimizing quality of life.
  • Supplying alchemical wellness care to every home and workplace.
  • Inspiring wholeheartedness and connection with the Sacred through the rituals of self-care and ceremonies of love.

Our Values

  • Nature as a healing modality. Pure-Unadulterated-Essence.
  • Education and knowledge empower.
  • Alchemical transformation is achieved through the integration of the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Wellness care to soothe, balance, uplift, and delight.
  • Holistic sustainability to benefit human and environmental interdependence at every level.
  • Ethical standards that foster safe and effective best practices.

Ultimately, Flower Essence Aromatherapy restores well-being, helping you feel, sleep, and look better, smile more often, and experience greater happiness and contentment.