“When you become free of social conditioning, when you become free in the mental environment, when you become liberated from the shadows of your own past, you can demonstrate a spontaneity and an enthusiasm in life that are remarkably refreshing to others.” –Marshall Vian Summers

Now that summer is in full swing with warm nights and sultry days, I hope you are finding the enjoyment of the season in your garden, outdoor soirees with family and friends, and moments to enjoy the freedom of life’s simple pleasures.

In this blog, I will share my perspective on which Ritual Essence and Spray supports your personal and social freedom, along with thoughts about wellbeing wholeness. Our social reality emerges from how well and whole we individuals are and the social support we give each other.

Freedom to Live, Love, and Be

As Americans, we love freedom. We embrace the concepts of freedom and liberty; after all, our nation was founded on the five principles of freedom: freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition. Identified as the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, these rights are guaranteed to everyone.

We have many freedoms we take for granted. Democracy depends on guaranteeing equal rights under law and freedom from discrimination for all individuals in a society. Our understanding of freedom can give us insight into what motivates us so we can direct and move our lives toward what we desire.

This is especially true today as women’s rights and our reproductive freedoms are being attacked.

Unlike individual freedom, social freedom can be described as a characteristic of an open society, where individuals or groups can feel open about their opinions as well as their prejudices.

When opposing desires, opposing wishes, and opposing thoughts bring conflict, we become conscious of our personal and social fragmentation. In the last several years, we are witnessing growing polarization and negativity in public conversation and political discourse. Divisiveness and violence is just the most recent symptom of a long-brewing problem.

Meaningful freedom is a process; like life, it comes from a commitment to living with respect for diversity within humanity and the environments in which we live.

Releasing our need to control others, we can rely on social rules of engagement and the laws to protect us from tyranny. Social openness must be encouraged if we aspire to more than a merely free society; a society that embraces the principles of wholeness has a greater possibility of inclusion of diversity.

Freedom and Self-Determination

There has been a long-lasting philosophical debate about freedom of will and the connection between freedom of self and social responsibility. Your right to self-determination and autonomy must be respected in order to live life on your terms freely.

Self-determination means that all people have the right to direct their futures, control how they live their lives, where and with whom, love whom they want, have children when they want, and have authority over the resources that support them.

Self-determination is:

  • Having a choice
  • Knowing more about yourself
  • Having dreams and goals and going after them
  • Being in control
  • Making your own decisions

You are the most critical person when making plans for your life and making your own decisions. Your ability to make choices and manage your own life is vital to your psychological health and wellbeing.

Self-determination empowers people to challenge themselves, validates their natural talents, and gives them a sense of control over their lives. It also means allowing others to have this same right.

Cultivating wellbeing promotes a person’s health, actualizing potential, resiliency, and totality, and influences our families, communities, society, and culture.

Wellbeing is the Foundation for Wholeness

Wellbeing is the foundation for wholeness. Without it, we don’t have a foundation from which to anchor our dreams and fulfill our sacred purpose. Personal wholeness includes many dimensions of health: physical, mental, spiritual, and social.

Our understanding of “whole” comes through the old Germanic and Norse languages: hal, haila, which give the sense of entire, unhurt, uninjured, safe, healthy, sound; genuine, straightforward, undamaged, and complete. Our word for health has similar roots.

Wholeness refers to the process of wellbeing and alignment in body, mind, and soul. Together, wellbeing wholeness represents the dynamic drive that positively gives meaning to the human experience.

Wellbeing wholeness enables people to develop their potential, work productively and creatively, form positive relationships with others and meaningfully contribute to community and society.

An essential component of human wholeness is discovered in our social lives. Our freedoms directly relate to others’ wellbeing. After all, we don’t live in a vacuum, and our choices touch every aspect of others’ lives.

Societal wellbeing wholeness encourages individuals to embrace multicultural diversity and values. Social wholeness means respectful conversation, seeking unity, and using empathy and non-violent communication to resolve conflict. Political wholeness means transcending partisan division to serve the civic whole.

I think we have forgotten this as our society is entrenched in the struggle of finding individual and societal wellbeing.

Alienation and Loneliness

To be made whole again calls for us to perceive the fragmentation of our society.

Unfortunately, alienation and loneliness seem widespread in our society, often due to social fragmentation. Loneliness seems to be the inevitable consequence driving people to find online communities where they can belong. We recognize the increased access to divisive hate groups.

Loneliness thrives in our disconnection and isolation from each other. Social alienation is a person’s feeling of disconnection from a group – whether friends, family, or wider society – to which my privilege is judged in direct contrast to your lack (resources, health, income, etc.). We tend to see others as different from us outside our personal experience, leading to endless conflict and confusion within ourselves and society.

Our disconnection and polarization from one another have significant implications for individual and societal wellness. Social isolation has also been linked to mental illness, emotional distress, suicide, the development of dementia, premature death, poor health behaviors, smoking, physical inactivity, poor sleep, and biological effects, including high blood pressure and poor immune function. 

Did you know social isolation and loneliness are associated with a 29 percent increased risk for coronary heart disease and a 32 percent increased risk for stroke?

Holographic Wholeness

The wholeness and freedom we seek are our true nature, who we are. There is a deep impetus to survive and thrive. It is a birthright.

In some spiritual traditions, there has been much awareness of the illusion of separation. One could say that this illusion is at the root of many or most ills in our individual lives and society. Holographic awareness reverses this perspective.

Our wholeness is in the relationship to the separate parts of ourselves, others, and our lives. According to the holographic paradigm, the whole universe is a multidimensional hologram, meaning its energy is contained in its elements as much as we humans are encoded through consciousness.

Vibrational Wholeness

Did you know vibrational and wildflower essences contain the whole of the plant through its energetic imprint and the memory of water that holds that energy? These incredible essences are intentionally used in Fleur alchemical wellness products.

We can use these vibrational essences to enhance a sense of wholeness wellbeing leading to emotional freedom of purpose and right relationships.

Wholeness Ritual EssenceUsing Fleur Wholeness Ritual Essence, made at the sacred healing sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus, Greece, allows you to align with the forces of the universe to bring about balanced wellbeing and your memory of wholeness.

It is supportive of dissolving separation and fragmented alienation, strengthening an integrated connection to the whole. This Ritual Essence is beneficial when you need to free yourself from feeling fragmented and scattered.

Release Spray contains the synergy of vibrational wildflower essences that help us to let go of what no longer serves us in mind, body, and spirit. The refreshing aroma of Lemon Grass and Palo Santo blended essential oils helps dissolve stuck energy to set yourself free.

Lemongrass has a wonderful, refreshing citrus scent that is earthy and sweet, used for cleansing, purifying, removing obstacles, and opening doors to new possibilities.

Release SprayPalo Santo is known for its energetically cleansing and healing properties. Its aroma clears toxic energy and restores a sense of inner calm, promoting deep healing in body, mind, and spirit. It brightens your energy field and promotes feelings of positivity and joy.

Release Spray raises your vibration to help set yourself free from the sense of alienation, stress, anxiety, and depression. It clears the clutter to allow for a deeper connection to the Source of all creation, promoting a meaningful relationship with others.

Used in combination with each other, they support wellbeing wholeness to help keep clearing and releasing those limitations and old patterns so that you can truly align to an interconneected sense of harmony, joy, wisdom, expansion, and love.

Wellbeing Wholeness and Freedom

We undoubtedly live in challenging times. Our freedoms, which historically served to fight injustice, inequality, and marginalization, are often turned against those seeking justice, equality, and inclusion.

We all want to see positive changes in the world, yet more people are realizing that’s not going to happen until we start getting along with each other through increased compassionate care, kinder interactions, and collective cooperation.

Did you know that women’s reproductive freedom directly affects societal wellness? Women’s rights and our reproductive freedoms are human rights that better the lives of individuals, families, and communities that comprise the diversity of people today and for our future. The challenges amidst a changing America require wellbeing wholeness, and the freedom to meet the evolving times in which we live.

Fundamental to life, liberty, and freedom, wellbeing wholeness sets a foundation to realize our humanistic ideals. It allows for a wider perspective to realize how interconnected we are as humans and the social freedoms we embrace.

A working concept of freedom must somehow equate the rights of one and the rights of many, the rights of the individual, and the rights of society. Too much deference to the rights of the individual produces anarchy; too much deference to the rights of the mass produces a faceless tyranny. Obviously, a balance must be struck.

Recovering wellbeing wholeness is a process supported by Wholeness Ritual Essence and concurrent use of Release Spray. Used together, your sense of wholeness may expand to include social wellbeing realities.

May this month bring about the freedom of balance, expression, and enthusiasm for wellbeing wholeness.

All my aromatic love,
