“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.” —Joseph Campbell

My home, office, and garden are my sanctuary. Visitors and clients frequently comment on the peaceful, welcoming atmosphere of both my home and office, often noting the subtle, fresh scent lingering in the air.

The space where I live and work is a symbiotic relationship of natural elements. Here in my sacred space, my aromatic life unfolds with intention and purpose, self-care and pleasure, balance and support.

Living well emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where you can feel secure and relaxed, your go-to sacred haven to be nurtured and rejuvenated in a space of safety and security.

In this blog post, I will explore how Fresh Spirit Room Spray and its alchemical wellness elements, using flower essence aromatherapy, can transform your living and workspace into a sacred space.

Furthermore, I will investigate the distinction between artificial fragrances and the therapeutic benefits of inhaling scents from natural essential oils.


What is Spatial Alchemy?

From ancient temples to modern-day households, space cleansing has been used for centuries to clear away negative energies and invoke a sense of peace and tranquility.

Like the ancient alchemists who turned base metals into gold, spatial alchemy is the process of brightening the energy in your space to serve your personal needs and goals better.

The concept of spatial alchemy suggests that specific scents and rituals can cleanse the atmosphere of homes and offices. As its name implies, spatial alchemy harnesses the power of a room’s space plus aromatic scent to create a healing, nurturing ambiance. 


A Smoke-Free Alternative

Fresh Spiirit Room Spray is a great way to use flower essence aromatherapy without relying on smoke cleansing. It can allow you to introduce aromatherapy elements into your homes and offices without using smoke cleansing. 

Room sprays are particularly useful for those with sensitivities to incense or who don’t have access to the materials needed to use smoke cleansing.

Fleur Fresh Spirit Room Spray can add a pleasant scent to any area while working with its spatial energy. Misting into the room creates an atmosphere of calm tranquility and inspires relaxation. 

Fresh Spirit Room Spray can help create a peaceful and balanced home or office environment. It can also enhance your sense of well-being by decongesting stagnant energy.


Fresh Spirit Spray: A Key to a Bright Space

Fresh Spirit SprayClearing your environment is crucial for your well-being and happiness. Energy must flow freely, preventing stagnation and clouding your heart and mind.

If any space creates a feeling other than peace, nourishing calm, or vibrant joy, then chances are there is congested energy there.

If you are experiencing issues due to lingering negative energy, space clearing is a potent technique for cleansing and balancing the energy in your home or work environment.

Space clearing has multiple uses. Fresh Spirit’s pure botanical room spray helps shift energy and clear space for a more relaxed and happier environment.

The easiest way to freshen your space is through Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy Room Sprays.


Toxic Designer Scents 

As I’ve noted in previous blogs, scents play a massive role in our lives as they trigger different emotions and affect our moods. Moreover, scents can transport us to various moments in our lives, calm the nervous system, and uplift the spirit.

Room sprays can create a relaxing, healing, and creative atmosphere or a toxic environment — depending on the type of scent used.

In reality, most air fresheners, plug-ins, and scented candles release a fragrance composed of hundreds of chemicals.

Yes, that’s right—hundreds of chemicals!

In truth, these smells only cover up odors rather than eliminate them. They fight one scent with another, often creating a most unpleasant combination.

The Environmental Protection Agency revealed in their indoor air quality report that Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, where certain pollutants are up to 5 times higher than outdoor concentrations.

Fragrance products are often cheaper than room sprays with pure essential oil ingredients. However, they have adverse health consequences due to their higher levels of synthetic compounds, alcohol, and toxic chemicals.


Do You Know?

Commercial room freshener sprays and plug-ins contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which have a low boiling point and form a gas or vapor at room temperature.

study of fragrance products found 20 different VOCs in plug-in fresheners, including seven regulated as toxic or hazardous under U.S. federal laws.

Toxic chemicals include formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, limonene, esters, acetone, acetaldehyde, chloromethane, and 1,4 dioxane.

According to Women’s Voices for the Earth, over 3,000 fragrance ingredients have been declared by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) to be currently used in fragrance. Here are a few of them:

  • Carcinogens such as styrene, methyl eugenol, pyridine and BHA
  • Reproductive toxins like phthalates, lilial (butyl phenylmethyl propanal), and nonylphenol
  • Neurotoxicants such as xylenes and phenol
  • Skin allergens such as linalool, hexyl cinnamal, geraniol, and HICC


Health Risks

The spectrum of health risks spans from mild to severe. Artificial scents can cause lung irritation, headaches, developmental issues, endocrine disrupters, hormonal imbalances, neurological problems, and heart ailments. 

Additionally, these ingredients are shown to increase the risk of asthma in children and make existing allergies and asthma even worse. For those who are regularly exposed to air freshener spray, their risk of asthma is 50% greater than air freshener abstainers.

And that’s not all!


Disproportionate Impact

Artificial fragrances have a profound impact, reaching beyond our homes to affect individuals working in commercial and public spaces.

Women have a 2-3 times greater risk of allergies to toxic exposure than men.

Massage therapists and geriatric nurses also have higher rates of fragrance contact allergy than those in other professions. This is likely due to their extensive exposure to fragranced lotions and hand cleansers.


The Detrimental Impact on the Brain

The brain is highly susceptible to the detrimental effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in artificial scents.

EDCs have been known to alter essential brain functions by modulating serotonin and dopamine in the body (neurotransmitters that regulate mood, sleep, and cognition) and other neurotransmitter pathways.

Research driven by an increase in neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and ADHD, along with learning disabilities and aggressiveness, there is also evidence suggesting that exposure to EDCs is associated with depression, anxiety, irritability, and mental confusion.

Mood disturbances caused by EDCs have been linked to adverse impacts on the endocrine and nervous systems (which are intimately intertwined).

Increasing evidence suggests that EDCs may also impact mental health by influencing cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body. An imbalance of cortisol can result in various health issues.

And it’s not just the humans who can suffer from fragrance exposure!


What About Our Pets?

Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to humans’ paltry six million. This means their smelling power surpasses ours by leaps and bounds.

Even a cat’s sense of smell is 14 times greater than ours, which means it’s much more sensitive to fragrances, smells, and volatile organic compounds.

Signs that your pet is sensitive to air fresheners:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Discharge from the eyes/nose
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Poor appetite

Long-term effects are even more concerning. Studies have shown that cats have an increased incidence of feline asthma in homes with artificial air fresheners, incense, or scented candles.


The Bottom Line on Designer Scents and Air Fresheners

Artificial fragrance air fresheners and plug-ins in your home are toxic!

The good news is that it is never too late to embrace a healthier lifestyle and transform your habits.


Natural Organic Scent

Clear the air and lift your spirits with a quick spritz of our natural Fresh Spirit Room Spray. It was created by combining organic essential oils into a synergy blend of wildflower essences and distilled water.

Lavender, Juniper berry, and Palo Santo organic essential oils combine to produce a refreshing scent that can imbue any space with a harmonizing, calming, fresh effect.



Inhaling the aromas of juniper and lavender will uplift your mood while centering your energy, stimulating positive effects on the brain, and calming the mind.

Juniper has a fresh, balsamic, woody-sweet scent that evokes a sense of oneness with the universe. Lavender’s herby-sweet aroma helps to calm allergies, and its neuro-hormonal balancing properties enhance the mind-body connection.

By the way, the combined scent of lavender and juniper is highly effective for managing symptoms of dementia and PTSD.

Palo Santo is one of my favorite aromas. It has a sweet, woody scent and a long and fascinating history as a ceremonial plant medicine in Central and South American cultures.

Indigenous people traditionally use the smoke of Palo Santo for its cleansing and purifying properties in ceremonies and shamanic rituals through smudging practices.

Smelling the aroma of Palo Santo helps one feel grounded and secure by balancing the root chakra. The scent calms the nerves, encouraging meditative states and relaxation, and is an excellent ally for maintaining emotional equilibrium.

Please read my blog, The Beauty of Palo Santo, in Release Spray to learn more about this powerfully unique essential oil.

Palo Santo has the added benefit of encouraging healthy lung function and resolving minor coughs, congestion, or asthma.


Refresh Your Space with Fresh Spirit Alchemy

Refresh your space with Fresh Spirit Room Spray Alchemy!

Our flower essence aromatherapy tool transforms your surroundings into a harmonious sanctuary, promoting spatial alchemy. Enhance your indoor spaces with a revitalizing natural botanical scent, ideal for those musty closets and linen.

Fresh Spirit Spray is the perfect solution for purifying the mind and spirit and addressing related issues. By misting Fresh Spirit Room Spray, you can relieve stress, tiredness, anxiety, and negative emotions.

When you close your eyes, and take a deep breath, you can imagine that you are surrounded by sacred peace, refreshing your spirit.

Harness the healing benefits of organic essential oils and vibrational flower essences to transform your space for overall alchemical wellness. Furthermore, you’ll be eliminating toxic artificial scents. 

I encourage you to use Fresh Spirit Spray in your regular space cleaning routine to remove negative energies and promote fresh spirit energy in your environment.

All my aromatic love,
