“As the sun spirals its longest dance – Cleanse Us.
As nature shows bounty and fertility – Bless Us.
Let all things live with loving intent
And fulfill their truest destiny.” –Wiccan Blessing

Happy Summer Solstice!

Here we are again on the turning wheel of the year as the sun reaches its highest point of the year, full in its solar power.

Like the winter solstice, the sun pauses in its arc across the sky, inviting us to pause, breathe, take stock of our lives, and receive the blessings of warmth and the culmination of light.

I feel the sparkling light pulsing in my cells, the rhythm of waking early to light-filled mornings and ending in lingering light-filled evenings. With the forward motion that spring equinox facilitated, the light enthuses my soul, body, and mind toward outward activity and purpose.

Known as Midsummer’s eve, just as summer arrives, the expanding outer cycle of the year reaches the longest day and the shortest night – the summer solstice. It is the high point of the year and the apex of the sun’s strength.

No matter where you live in the northern hemisphere, you will experience fourteen hours of daylight.

The elemental energy during solstice is fire. During this transition, all of nature surrenders to the fire of light. All of life is pulsing with outer growth and manifest energy. The seasonal shift prompts a revolution from within, a spark that energizes your soul.

Taking the time to be one with the turn of the great wheel will help you see the lessons in your own life, thus helping you grow into your best self while honoring the natural unfolding of the seasons in your life.

Summer Solstice Consciousness

The sun represents the light of all life and consciousness. This is the moment of our year when the most light is available, filling us with the purest form of power and vitality.

In terms of consciousness, when we are the most present to ourselves we know who we are. So do our souls open to receive the light of source to illuminate that which shines within each of us.

It’s not just that the season is changing. During the summer solstice, a doorway in time opens, which our ancestors have historically revered as sacred time-out-of-time. Seeds planted during the winter solstice are a time of cultivating resilience as we open to receive the light of source to illuminate that spirit within each of us.

The summer solstice is a time to reflect on your personal growth and the meaning of the season of light and growth. It is an excellent point in the year to start (or pick up) a spiritually meaningful activity, habit, or focus that you’ve wanted to begin or reconnect with.

Litha Magic

Litha is one of many midsummer festivals celebrated during the summer solstice since our ancient ancestors gathered. Known as Midsummer, it occurs from June 20-22 during the sacred days of the summer solstice.

The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures. Litha folklore asserts that the summer solstice is a liminal, magical time where unseen spirit helpers can cross more easily into human consciousness. It’s a time to expect the unexpected and allow yourself to believe that your intentions can come true because there is magic in the air.

On Midsummer’s eve, the walls separating the worlds of the spirits and humans become as thin as a silk veil. Litha symbolizes a grand portal of energy, space, and opportunity – an occasion to connect with your inner fire and the light of your soul.

It is believed to be a time when our spirit helpers pass into the human world at twilight and offer blessings. The spirits of field and forest, river and stream, all the inhabitants of that inner world are free to pass back and forth between invisible realms and play among humans.

For modern-day neopagans, Litha is a day of inner power and brightness. Some people find a quiet spot and meditate about their world’s light and dark forces.

Some observers, particularly families with children, celebrate outside with barbeques, including friends. And other observers choose to observe Litha more traditionally, with a fire ritual. This might include a large bonfire on the beach or a small fire in a fire-safe pot in one’s house.

Litha Solstice Ritual

This ritual is done close to sunset during Lithia of the year, either inside or outside.

For this ritual, you will take advantage of pausing with the sun. The intention is to call upon your spirit helpers for their guidance to cultivate resilience as you move forward in the year.

Suggested Intention

” I appreciate the spiritual alignment of Litha, infusing my soul with sparkling clarity of light.

I honor this moment to receive my spirit helper’s guidance.

I embody (add your own words)




Infusing me with the resilience of grace and gratitude.”

Time: 15-20 minutes


To Prepare:

  • Please find a spot facing west toward the setting sun where you can stand or sit comfortably
  • Place a few drops of Resilience Ritual Essence under your tongue, on the top of your head, and in your glass of water.
  • Drink your water.
  • If inside, light your candle.

Ritual Steps:

  • Allow your eyes to gaze toward the setting sun.
  • Connect with the power of the light and the golden-red hues in the sky.
  • Be present with gratitude for the beauty of the moment.
  • Mist around your head and body: Calling Your Spirit Helpers Spray.
  • Breathe in deeply the subtle aroma of rose otto and palo santo. Exhale fully.
  • Breathe deeply to activate your intention.
  • Say aloud your intention and any other words.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Listen to your breath, feel your body, and open your heart and mind.
  • Direct your focus on the fullness of the sun’s life force through the center of your body, the center of your being, and the center of your heart.

Connect with your Spirit Helpers or the Spirit of Litha:

  • Allow yourself to sense your spirit helper’s presence. They may take
    • A shape or a form
    • A felt sense of a benevolent spirit with you
    • Enhanced light energy
  • They have a Special Message for you today!
  • They may communicate with:
    • A word or a phrase
    • An image or a vision
    • Colors or symbols
    • Or any combination of these.
  •  However, your spirit helper(s) speak to you at this moment, allow yourself to receive their loving guidance or inspiration of resilience.
  •  Allow the surety of your received gift to ride the light waves of Litha to permeate through the cells in your body, mind, and soul.
  • Feel the power of resilience and gratitude for all that you have received.

Conclude Your Ritual:

  • Speak aloud your gratitude with your eyes closed:
    • Thank you, Father Sun, for your light of life.
    • Thank you, Lithia, for your blessings.
    • Thank you, spirit helpers, for your love and guidance.
  •  Place your hands over your heart – and thank yourself:
    •  For presence and showing up.
    •  For clarity in soul-purpose.
    •  For resilience in spirit.
    • For the fulfillment of your intention.
  • Then slowly open your eyes again.
    • See the sky, feel the earth under your feet, and the air around you.
    • Drink some more water feeling its refreshing qualities.
    • Look around and say: “I am home, I am restored, I am resilient, I am whole.”
    • Let the power of this moment fully permeate you.


Now may be a good time to journal or draw or color your impressions while they are fresh. Recall your moment’s experience as it was, and listen to what else you are meant to know and feel. Take as much time as you need to integrate your experience.

Honoring your Gift

Fleur Lithia Ritual gains strength by making a choice to honor your spirit helper’s message. As the sun starts its decline and the daylight hours begin to shorten, your gift will help you and others in many ways.

To maintain your connection to your spirit helpers, call on them with an intention for their help using Calling Your Spirit Helpers Spray. It’s one thing to ask for guidance; it’s another to witness, receive, and cherish their message. Your gratitude keeps the relationship with your spirit helpers strong and meaningful.

I’ve grown to respect my nonphysical spirit helpers in every area of my life. Knowing their presence always supports me has given me unshakable purpose in my life, the strength of living values, and the resilience of my spirit.

“To claim the new and larger boundary of our personal fire, we join in ritual to that of others, and together, dance it outward. We make sacred ceremony not only for and with our immediate community, but for all our relations.” –—Susa Silvermarie

Ah Ho. It is done, it is done, it is done.

All my aromatic love,
