“If we see nature as pausing, immediately all mortifies and decays; but seen as progressing, she is beautiful.” –Henry David Thoreau

As the Summer winds down, we welcome Autumn with cooler nights, colorful leaves, less natural sunlight, and more time spent preparing for the coming winter. Autumn’s energy is one contraction, intensity, change, and letting go.

On the medicine wheel, Autumn’s direction is West, the place of dreams and visions, of inner journeys, of introspection, fulfillment, and decay. It is a time of shedding, endings, and transformation. We hold mystery in the West, a paradox where we can harvest our hopes and dreams, reap the rewards of both external activity and internal gratification, and exchange light for darkness.

Seasonal changes are pivotal points in nature’s cycle. Ancient cultures saw in these cycles opportunities to be present and intentionally embody these transitions. They recognized and understood there were four focal points or gateways throughout the year: Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox.

On the Autumnal Equinox, nature herself pauses to honor equal day and equal night. Through the concept of balance, we are encouraged to harmonize with the Earth and tap into our connection with the universe’s cycles and rhythms. Deepening our understanding of the oneness that unites us, we have real cause to celebrate.

At these pivot points in our year, we are invited to pause and realign before continuing around the wheel. Pausing is a pathway — a portal to potential, of honoring ourselves and the journey that our own lives have traversed. By aligning with these points, we deepen our own unique awareness of our own quests for fulfillment.

By taking note, not only of the gradual shifts in the natural world around us but of your own times of dormancy, inspiration, flowering, and fruition, you may embrace awe and wonderment.

When we pause and are still during the Equinox, we’re able to see both light and dark without turning away, to hold that moment where we may come to recognize in nature the cyclic forces of change and to accept that our own life naturally expands and contracts through the Seasons. By simply pausing, we reconnect with the mystery of the unknown through the breath and honor the transition of the first half of this year’s cycle.

In preparation for the coming of winter, the Autumn Equinox brings us to a threshold of alchemical change, a gateway as we transition from the heat of summer toward the productive preservation of life and the needs that sustain us. The much needed moment of stillness and reflection provides an internal connection with the heart of the Season.

This year has certainly seen its challenges with climate catastrophes and Covid. The turning of the seasons is an opportune time to care for yourself and your family with intention. As you pause to reflect on your own journey this year, you create the opportunity to transcend the duality of transformation in the quest for personal development, empowerment, healing, and wisdom.

There’s no better time of year to review your life, to reflect and acknowledge what has changed and what you have grown into, as well as reflect on the blessings you have experienced. As the days become shorter and we approach the darkness of winter we require courage to face our dreams, be receptive and accepting of what life has provided.

To support you this Equinox, I recommend two powerful Fleur Alchemical Wellness Care products to help you on your journey around the wheel.

Gateway Ritual Essence is a powerful tool to use during the period of the Autumnal Equinox. Using this vibrational essence as you cross this threshold of seasonal change will help you to begin thinking about your personal accomplishments and triumphs, your own inner harvest.

Use Gateway Ritual Essence to synchronize your rhythms with the rising or setting sun. Hold the energetic moment and sync into the stillness, the pivotal point where all possibilities for your life live. The attention you bring as you pause to this moment can literally transform your life.

The Pause Ritual*

The key to this ritual is to be intentional and know you are stopping.

  • Find a quiet spot, preferably outdoors in a nature setting.
  • Place Gateway Ritual Essence drops under the tongue and at the crown of the head.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Take three full breaths — inhale slowly and exhale slowly.
  • Synq into the moment. Notice the space. Open your awareness, and then, with kindness, invite yourself to be here, fully present.
  • Allow your senses to come fully present. You may notice sounds, smells, or the breeze on your skin.
  • Notice when you pause that there is also the feel of the tug to get into activity.
  • Sense how you might respond. Invite your deepest nature to come through and guide you. And you can trust, in the days and weeks to come, that even a short pause begins to give access to your Higher Self qualities of deep intelligence, intuition, love, and creativity that is really your nature.
  • Occupy the pause for at least 20 seconds. Longer is better. Continue to breathe. Breathe in gratitude for your part in the Universe’s dance and for the infinite possibilities that await you.
  • Your whole biochemistry and perspective shifts with an intentional pause.

*Adapted from Tara Brach, The Sacred Pause.

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnified world in itself.” —Henry Miller

My clients have found the most success when combining Gateway Ritual Essence with mindfulness practices, such as meditation, journaling, breathwork, art expression, and other rituals of transformation. Its vibrational energy encourages revelation with new possibilities, confidence, and courage to accept new opportunities amid crisis or to help you anchor your soul’s calling through trusting the process of your own life as much as your drive toward realizing your own dreams.

Buy Gateway Ritual Essence now and Save 10% for a limited time only

Release and Renew this Autumn with Fleur Aromatherapy Release Spray

As we harvest intentions we planted in the spring, Autumn is a time of intensified energy, a quickening of letting go. This is a time to take stock of all you have gathered, of all that will stay with you during the winter ahead. It is a time to recognize and learn to accept both the light and the darkness within, to let go of anything that is in the way of your experiencing wholeness.

Release Spray helps clear the hidden blocks and the energetic bonds holding patterns that no longer serve you while fortifying your own energetic integrity. Letting go clears the space within as you make space for the future to manifest.

This Spray is an excellent tool to use with an intentional ceremony to honor the changing seasons, the pivotal moment to transform karmic life patterns, untangle the threads of past-life wounding, dissolve unhealthy habits, and bring more light to the shadow-body.

Buy Release Spray now and Save 10% for a limited time only

In conclusion, intentional pausing brings awareness. Honoring the Autumn Equinox In the season of your own life, can calm and heal your overburdened nervous system, comfort your body-mind, recover balance, and refresh your spiritual connection with the natural world to soothe your soul. Using Fleur Alchemical Wellness Care Gateway Ritual Essence and Release Spray will help you in this process.

Join me in gratitude and celebration as we pause together with the Sun this Autumn Equinox. Although it may take a little more effort on your part, you’ll recognize this extraordinary moment as special, and not as likely to be taken for granted.

All my Love and Chi!