Love is the core heart frequency that links people to their humanity. When heart, mind, and emotions are in alignment, it is easier to sense the authentic heart’s yearnings and aspirations that facilitate resiliency, gratitude, happiness, and better communication.
Throughout the ages, it has been recognized that the heart’s directed energy – Love – can transform energy in oneself and with others. Generated from the heart, your love is enormous! It has the power to heal, comfort, appreciate, and bless.
The world’s great wisdom traditions suggest that the heart is, first and foremost, an organ of spiritual perception. With patience, we can practice becoming heartfully mindful of bringing ourselves into greater heart coherence.
The power of the heart to emotionally feel love cannot be ignored. Spirituality’s most important aspects are found in our sense of love and connection. We need to love ourselves as much as we love others.
But love is more than an emotion. It is an electromagnetic phenomenon. The heart’s magnetic field can transmit information between people. Research shows that when an individual generates a coherent heart rhythm, synchronization between that person’s brain and another person’s heartbeat is more likely to occur.
The connection between love and the heart has the extraordinary power to direct us toward improving the world around us by radiating positive energy out into it. By bringing the mind into alignment with the resonance of the heart, your vibrational frequency increases with a greater capacity for emotional presence, joy, optimism, compassion, and motivation.
By becoming more heart aware, we can increase heart coherence in ourselves (and others) by intentionally harnessing the power of the heart and the energy of love. It is through the generation of coherence in both the heart and the energy fields around us that a critical shift is possible to bring us into greater harmony with the movement of the whole.
Fleur Amore Love Spray is intended to help you to generate heart coherence and increase your capacity to share positive energy. The benefit is enhanced social engagement, greater intimacy and bonding, and satisfaction in your relationships, enriching your family, co-workers, and community.
Fleur Amore Love Spray’s alchemical blend is formulated with a proprietary synergy of vibrational and flower essences that expands heart-felt energy strengthening heart coherence and feelings of well-being, emotional stability, inner patience, compassion, self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem.
Amore Love Spray is made with the finest organic Rose Otto essential oil known to uplift the heart. Rose Otto has an extremely high vibration frequency (320mhz) – the highest vibration frequency of all essential oils, which makes it traditionally one of the most heart-centered essential oils.
Inhaling the scent of rose arouses unconditional love that awakens the heart. Its exceptional warm, floral aroma naturally aligns with the heart’s frequency, encouraging love, kindness, consideration, and gentleness toward self and others to flow.
Amore Love Spray is one of our healthy heart wellness products. It has the energy to stimulate amorous desire and intensify not only physical passion but also a passion for living. The seductive and captivating aroma is a known aphrodisiac, enlivening the senses and rousing emotional receptivity, tenderness, and openness.
Amore Love Spray to strengthen heart chakra coherence
- To support and balance the heart chakra
- During meditation and prayer
- To help you hear the language of your heart
- To remember that “I am Love”
- To connect to the Sacred Feminine
- To raise your personal/collective vibration
- To improve positivity and optimism
- To increase care and connectedness in your relationships
- To help restore love and compassion in your daily life
- To create a bridge of mutuality between you and another
- To evoke a romantic mood
- To increase affection and prosocial behaviors
- When working through forgiveness
- To increase heart-brain synchronization
- To enhance spiritual attunement and unity
- To increase relational harmony
- When practicing Tantra
- During Sacred Ceremony.
Affirmation: “I surrender to the Heart of Love. I am Love. I create bridges of Love.”
Directions: Shake well before use. Simply mist around the head and body. Breathe deeply and focus your awareness on your heart. Imagine your breath flowing through your heart with love. Exhale slowly to breathe out love from your heart. Smile. Do this as many times as needed.
Avoid eyes. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: Distilled water infused with vibrational essences of Attunement, Gateway, and Purification Ritual Essences, Fringed Lily Twiner, Goddess Grasstree, Macrozamia, Mauve Melaleuca, Orange Leschenaultia, Red Leschenaultia, Snakebush wildflower essences, and organic essential oil of Bulgarian Rose Otto (Rosa damascene) preserved with 1% organic biodegradable grape alcohol.
For external and aromatic use only.