The Flowers in all the colors of the rainbow remind us of how Life is restored. –-Vasudeva and Kadambii Barnao

Wildflowers are often overlooked; they grow in the most extreme places everywhere and bloom a lot.

Western Australia is home to the most extensive array of wildflowers with over 12,000 species, of which over half are unique to the region. Almost half of the plant species in this region are not found anywhere else in the world. There is also a high number of rare and endangered species found there.

It is recognized as an international biodiversity hotspot due to four things:

  • Isolation (ocean and desert surround the state of WA)
  • Climate (hot, dry summers along with cool, wet winters)
  • Bird, reptile, and insect pollinators
  • Time (there has been little glacial or volcanic disruption)

In this blog, I’ll explore a few of the unique wildflower essences contained in our new oral Anxiety Relief Tincture.

The Subtle Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety arises at different times in our lives, but chronic anxiety is hard to live with. Just ask my clients.

The symptoms of anxiety are more than intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.

Examples of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), specific phobias, and separation anxiety disorder. You can have more than one anxiety disorder.

But anxiety can manifest in countless ways, many of which we’re unaware of. The subtle signs of anxiety probably don’t rise to the level of a “disorder,’ We mostly identify the feelings as stress, but they can interfere with our lives in ways we don’t realize.

Many of us prefer not to think of ourselves as anxious because we consider it a weakness or a personal failing. It’s neither, of course. After all, anxiety symptoms can arise situationally, such as an upcoming test, a loved one’s health crisis, after an accident or traumatic relationship, or career failure.

Oftentimes anxiety symptoms may start during childhood or the teen years and continue into adulthood.

Here are subtle signs of anxiety to look for:

  • Procrastination
  •  Avoiding social interactions
  • Constantly planning ahead
  • Seeking distractions
  • Physical tension
  • Difficulty coping with emotions
  • Always apologizing
  • Playing it safe
  • Precrastination
  • Perfectionism
  • Difficulty delegating
  • Avoiding spontaneity
  • Catastrophizing
  • Using alcohol (or drugs) to cope
  • Poor sleep

At the same time, a life designed around anxiety—however subtle—is limiting. If that’s where you find yourself, Fleur Anxiety Relief Tincture may help.

Nyoongah Healing Tradition and Wisdom

The more we recognize anxiety in ourselves, the more we can learn from it in ways we’re unaware of and begin to work with it.

We can use the wisdom of wildflowers to bridge the gap between the distresses of our lives and the natural balance that restores the wonders of wholeness.

Wildflower Essence therapy is an ancient vibrational healing modality used by the Nyoongah (also spelled Noongar) Aboriginal people in southwest Australia, spanning 45,000 years.

This cultural knowledge has been passed on through the generations, creating a deep history that has produced sophisticated knowledge and expertise intimately linked to diverse cultural geographies and the natural environment across the country.

Nyoongah aboriginal people lived surrounded by the prolific and year-round breathtaking flora of blossoming wildflowers. They are the ancient custodians of the deep healing wisdom contained in wildflowers and hold the oldest living tradition of flower essence therapy.

Nyoongah spirituality lies in the belief in a cultural landscape and the connection between the human and spiritual realms. Everything in the vast landscape has meaning and purpose.

They believe life is a web of inter-relationships between people and nature; the past is always connected to the present.

The Nyoongah discovered the therapeutic value of flower essences as effective emotional healers. They are considered the grandfathers of the healing art of using flowers and their essences to support mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Western Australia Wildflowers

The wildflower essences used in Fleur products are created with love and the highest respect for nature. No part of the plant is cut or destroyed. This means that they continue their cycle of life to reproduce and fulfill their natural destiny making wildflower essence therapy one of the most environmentally sustained industries in the world.

At the same time, these plants donate their information as medicine for self-awareness and healing. The frequencies of nature’s pure love resonate within, helping to balance the mind, body, and spirit and create peace, love, and harmony.

A special thanks to Kadambii and Vasudeva Barneo, who first began to research and work with producing wildflower essences while learning from the Nyoongah people. Their Life Academy Educational training in Perth is one of the best!

As I study the plants from which Australian wildflower essences are made, I try to enter into the world of the aboriginal mind and their collective wisdom to inform my own understanding, respect, and application of these unique essences.

Brown Boronia (Boronia megastigma)

Brown Boronia is a small shrub evergreen native to southwestern Western Australia. It is a plant in the citrus family Rosaceae.

It is a slender, erect shrub with aromatic leaves and cup-like flowers that are dark brown to purplish black on the outside and yellow inside. The flowers appear in spring, and it’s interesting to note that although this plant is prized for its magnificent perfume,

Key Healing Supports:

  • The release of fixed, obsessive, and negative thoughts that contribute to overthinking, concerns, worry, constant brooding, and unhealthy focus.
  • Such thoughts can be part of depressed emotional states and mental confusion.
  • For anxiety that increases in chaotic environments.
  • For a person whose thought is circular, there is no immediate solution, and yet the mind will not leave it alone.
  • Racing thoughts increase desperation because of the energy put into finding a solution, but the problem seems to worsen.

Fuschia Gum (Eucalyptus forrestiana)

Fuchsia gum is a small tree found around salt lakes and on sand plains. It has smooth grey bark, narrow oblong to lance-shaped adult leaves, and the distinctive flowers are yellow and relatively small, playing a secondary ornamental role to the hanging red capsules, which are four ribbed and grow to around 2” long.

Key Healing Supports:

  • To free limiting perceptions and the fear of feeling imprisoned by circumstances.
  • Releases and calms irrational adrenalin e response so the mind can think clearly.
  • For feelings of claustrophobia and panic emotionally or physically when in a confined space or when feeling under threat.
  • To be earthed so rational thought can prevail.

Hop Bush (Dodonaea viscosa)

Commonly called “sticky hop bush,” the plant is a member of the Sapindaceae (soapberry) family. The small shrub’s inconspicuous flowers have no attractant for pollinators, and the absence of petals allows the pollen to be dispersed unhindered by the wind. The plants are dioecious; i.e., the flowers are male or female and usually occur on separate plants.

Key Healing Supports:

  • For frenetic and hyperactive people whose mind is over stimulated.
  • For those who have gone through long periods of nervous system stress, tension, and insomnia.
  • Particularly useful for relaxing the etheric body when one has become hypersensitive to small daily adversities.
  • Supportive of inner mental and physical peace.
  • Balances states of rest and activity.

Pink Fairy Orchid (Caladenia latifolia)

The Pink Fairy Orchid is one of Australia’s most common and widespread orchids. It is a perennial, deciduous herb with an underground tuber growing in a wide range of habitats from coastal heath to the margins of inland salt lakes, often growing in large colonies. It has a single, oblong lance-shaped leaf, and pink flowers are born on long stalks.

Key Healing Supports:

  • For those stressed by environmental chaos or pressure.
  • Helpful for those easily influenced and changed by noises, clamor, or emotionally charged environments.
  • For those who tend to get caught in other people’s panic or hysteria.
  • For those frustrated by their inability to maintain their “space.”
  • When external surroundings impact them too significantly.
  • For those with weak nerves who find their life stressful.
  • The essence of inner serenity, equipoise, and maintaining one’s own strength in all situations.
  • To calm the inner core, enabling a person to carry their inner peace with them.
  • To discern what elements of their environment they will allow to activate their attention.
  • To maintain the inner sanctity of the Self amidst the many distractions that come our way.
  • Enhances a sense of connectedness by trusting one’s integrity of self-knowing.

Purple Flag Flower (Patersonia occidentalis)

Purple Flag Flower is the Australian native Iris, whose Noongar name is Komma. It has striking three-petalled blue, violet, or purple flowers that appear in late spring to early summer but can appear at other times throughout the year.

It’s a strappy leaf, tufted perennial herb found naturally amongst granite outcrops and on sandy dunes. Flowers are held above the foliage for a stunning display that also attracts native bees. Interestingly, individual flowers open for less than one day; however, many flowers are produced from one stem, and a well-grown plant will produce a large number over the season.

Key Healing Supports:

  • For those who feel increasing anxiety due to stress on the edge of a breakdown.
  • The essence of relief and release for the buildup of pressure and tension due to emotional and mental reactivity.
  • Supports relaxation in the body and mind.
  • Enhances the unwinding process and releases the sense of having to react automatically tensely to situations.
  • Supports acceptance of situations by openly working with perceptions to produce better-thinking results.

Ribbon Pea (Leptosema aphylla Hook)

Ribbon pea is a low-lying desert shrub. The leafless stems are flattened to function as leaves. The species name “aphyllum” means “without leaves.” The bright red pea flowers have enlarged keel petals, giving the flower a flattened appearance. It grows primarily in dry shrubland.

Key Healing Supports:

  • The essence of fearlessness in the face of the unknown.
  • For fear of annihilation, mortality, and what might happen to oneself.
  • For feeling intense anxiety.
  • For a person obsessing over the reality of death after experiencing someone dying.
  • For those who want to flee due to feeling overwhelmed and unable to avoid people or situations.
  • For a person responding fearfully to a supposed or real threat.
  • For the person facing traumatic surgery.
  • Supportive of rising above fear and foreboding that stops positive attitudes and directions desired for a fulfilling Life.
  • Helps to dissolve the feelings of nameless dread, panic, or fear of death.

Western Australia Smokebush (Conospermum stoechadis)

WA Smokebush is a perennial multipronged medium-sized shrub. It has slender needle-like leaves and panicles of smokey white or grey flowers that give it a feathery appearance. The Smokebush plant is predominant in coastal areas and is an important Aboriginal medicinal plant.

Key Healing Supports:

  • For those who have suffered a shock or trauma, with intense fear.
  • For those who feel disconnected from Life, ungrounded, and easily swept away by events beyond their control.
  • For those anxious that they are losing control of their mind under stress.
  • For fears of an unknown origin.
  • To re-integrate the subtle and more physical levels into a functioning whole again.
  • To strengthen the mind-body connection after stress and trauma.

Indigenous Wisdom and Modern Medicine

Indigenous wisdom and modern medicine can co-exist as treatment modalities for a number of modern mental and emotional problems. Anxiety and its subtle expressions, as much as anxiety disorders, can benefit from alchemical wellness care using wildflower essences.

The wildflower essences work between the higher aspects of the mind and the fundamental aspects of the body. With oral dosing, the amount of the remedy used can be adjusted to the level of activity upon which the mental-emotional state is most obviously manifesting.

Anxiety Relief Tincture is a gentle yet potent aid that is effective for easing anxiety, restlessness, rapid and uncontrollable thoughts, and panic responses. It is ideal for individuals of all ages with stress and anxiety-related symptoms and who are sensitive to scents.

Ideally, therapy empowers the individual to get to the core issues and resolve them thoroughly. In the meantime, using Anxiety Relief Tincture or Spray helps to mitigate immediate symptoms to help stabilize and relieve debilitating suffering and restore quality of life.