Ritual Essences

“You don’t have to go far to find a place of power. You can take a place near you and make it sacred.”
—Brant Secunda

Fleur Ritual Essences are vibrational essence tinctures, consciously created by ritual in natural habitats, power places and sacred sites in Greece, Mexico, Scotland, Japan, and the United States by energy healer, Maggie Smith.

Each Ritual Essence is unique to the landscapes of mystery and magic where they were created. They capture a story that resonates with the high-frequency energy of that particular sacred site or power place and its history.

Ritual Essences

The nature environment where the trees, plants, and flowers grow, the water that flows under the sun and moon, and the celestial heavens above have cast their energetic imprint to infuse our Ritual Essences with their wisdom.

May Fleur Ritual blessings provide you with the full spectrum of love to support you to live a happy whole life.

HOW TO USE Fleur Ritual Essences

They are simple to use.

Use your intuition to choose which essence you want its energy to embody.

  • Close your eyes and take a breath. Hold your intention close to your heart. Say a prayer aloud or in silence.
  • Place a few drops under your tongue or on the top of the head
  • Add to your daily drinking water
  • Add a few drops to bath water
  • Anoint your chakras

Allow yourself to assimilate Fleur Ritual Essences sparkling energy frequently and generously.

  • 15 ml dropper bottle.
  • Preserved with 1% organic biodynamic grape brandy in distilled water.
  • (Vinegar or glycerin can be substituted)