Sacred Anointing Oils

“Aromatically anointing the body is the kiss of Spirit, a bridge and gateway touching the soul.”

Beautiful aromas enchant every aspect of our senses, mind, and heart, causing us to turn toward the exquisite fragrance we smell.

Throughout history, people have created ceremonies and rituals within the context of their spiritual beliefs to celebrate, bless, and heal. One of the most common practices was, and still is, anointing, which means “to touch with oil.”

Anointing is an ancient tradition of aromatic alchemy using sacred fragrant oils. Many cultures revered this practice for protection, healing, acknowledgment, spiritual connection, and devotion. Anointing rituals honor the soul in its various living rites by spiritual leaders and everyday people.

Traditionally practiced by one person to another, anointing has evolved in which the giver and receiver of the blessing are one. Today, anointing is practiced in creative and non-traditional ways to awaken the sacred and help us to remember the presence of Spirit, allowing us to live richer, more harmonious lives.

Aromatic alchemy is the use of fragrant, rare, and exotic oils and absolutes that have the power to transmute, transform, and make whole. The sacred act of anointing oneself with the purity of organic botanical precious oils sanctifies the body and mind, honoring the spirit within.

Fleur Sacred Anointing Oils are botanical aromatic jewels that open your connection to the sensual delight of a time long past, spiritual wisdom, healing, and grace. Their energetic vibrational frequencies make the body, spirit, and soul whole through time-honored rituals daily or in ceremony.

Ritual Essences

​Suggested Uses:

  • Rites of Passage
  • End-of-Life Transition
  • Healing
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Meditation
  • Inner Exploration
  • Sacred Journey
  • Pathworking
  • Inner Child work
  • Extreme self-care
  • Tantric Union
  • Pleasurable indulgence

“May your soul bloom in love for all existence.”
— Rudolph Steiner

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