Flowers do not force their way with great strife. Flowers open to perfection slowly in the sun.” 

–Grace Cooke (White Eagle)

Who knew we could harness the energies of the Universe to help us not only transition into spring but also raise personal and collective vibration?

Ancient people did, and for eons, they gathered to celebrate the spring equinox with various rituals and celebrations. Although there is an extraordinary range of traditions to celebrate the change in seasons, the vernal equinox opens a portal for you to access beautiful light codes that support personal and collective evolution.

Everything we need to know about ourselves is encoded in nature, our bodies, and the cosmos. Living in alignment with the course and direction of the sun allows us to live the most healthily and happily possible. When we do, we attune to the sacred that will enable us to harness the frequencies of alchemy available during the vernal equinox. 

This blog intends to provide a contextual pathway for harmonizing our bodies and minds to welcome spring. I’ll share a meditation ritual that I created that has the potential to change your vibration by aligning with its expansive frequency and the light energies that emanate from it. 

Vernal Equinox Alchemy

As the sacred wheel of life turns with the sun, we welcome the first spring day through the vernal equinox portal, March 20, 2022, the midpoint between winter and summer solstices. On this day, the sun rises due east and sets due west — no matter where you live.

March equinox marks when the Northern Hemisphere begins to tilt toward the sun. It signals the beginning of spring (vernal means fresh or new like the spring) and is a day to celebrate the revival of life after winter.

Equinox symbolizes a time of geo-cosmic unity balancing the duration of light and darkness. Syncing with the rhythms of nature with awareness, the original template of balance consists of two opposing forces that are inseparable and complementary in the body, mind, and spirit. On this day, the alchemical merging of the feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) energies equalizes the polarities we experience in everyday life. 

As the earth-moon-sun system shifts, the equinoxes offer ideal conditions for initiation rituals. Initiations can occur at any time, but there is a brief alchemical moment when the veil between us and our place in the Universe thins. The opening of a geo-cosmic portal activates dormant healing powers, ignites insights, and harmonizes our vibration with the sacredness of life.

Spring Energy is Expansive

The onset of spring heightens sensory aliveness and sensual excitability. There’s a restlessness in the air as the warm return of the sun ignites an inner quickening as winter draws to a close. A quiet blossoming marks the onset of spring that triggers a primal explosion within.

We can take advantage of the wisdom imparted by those who have come before. Spring orientation is the East, the direction of air, promotes keen-mindedness, focus and action, conception (physical or mental), and the first steps in attaining our goals in life.

The celestial bodies of the sun and the morning star (Venus) provide abundant light sources for our physical bodies and inspire our spirits. The moon was full a few days ago and so has been lingering in the western sky at dawn. Harnessing this expansive energy has excellent benefits for our wellbeing and happiness.

In the last days before the vernal equinox, I’ve noticed that my focus is shifting from internal to external, from preparation to action. Through the wisdom of my senses, I feel my energy transforming, rearranging the components of my life to align with a new cycle of expansive growth.

I experience this transformation through nature and other people around me. I marvel at the trees, their stored winter sap pulsing to birth their new buds and leaves. Today, the visual delight of the burst of color after last night’s rain comforts me that the earth knows how to renew itself.

The element air carries the sweetness of flowers and herbs in the landscape that capture my attention that causes me to pause my walk — what flower’s scent do I smell? I am drawn to the fresh flavors from the garden to cleanse my body and delight my palate. I will be starting a green juice cleanse next week.

I feel it in my clients as they wiggle out of the identity that no longer fits in the struggle with the process of becoming. I witness it in my grandchildren, their whole beings – physically, emotionally, and psychologically – bouncing off the walls itching to be outdoors and best each other.

Feeling expansive energy I welcome a new season of experience, happiness, and purpose.

The Transformative Power of Light & Color

However, the light that shines on each of us is accessible no matter where we live. The language of color and light bypasses the brain’s logic and speaks directly to us, stimulating the brain and inner organs. Providing emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual healing, the vibrational expression of light and color speaks directly to our soul and activates codes in our DNA.

On the equinox, the morning light brings transformational energy that initiates us to new opportunities. The first rays vibrate with crystalline pale-yellow light that permits cosmic frequencies to enter our minds, inspiring higher levels of awareness, purpose, and optimism.

Accessible during the equinox, the deeply layered alchemical frequencies of light communicate information that is beyond words. The optic nerve naturally reacts to the subtle shifts in the amount of daylight available. This reaction triggers hormonal changes, including an adjustment in melatonin, a hormone that affects sleep cycles and mood changes. The yellow light also stimulates the liver and gallbladder to release accumulated toxins built up over the winter months, improving digestive fire and increasing metabolism as we shed the layers of winter. 

As the land around turns a vibrant green, we also receive emerald-green light through the eyes that energize the brain’s pineal and pituitary glands. As soon as pineal and pituitary glands begin to receive this light, brain chemistry instantly changes. The calming color of green helps balance the brain and strengthen the immune system and the shapes of our muscles, bones, and cells.

A vibrational language of light and its numinous frequency allows the integration of polarities, effectively converting the many interconnected aspects of being that help raise our vibration. Fed by the clarity of our vision, aligned by our hopes and dreams, and the practical plans we laid out to fulfill them during the winter solstice, spring light invigorates the path forward.

Harnessing Symbols of Wholeness

The Universe does not speak in verbal languages but rather in frequency and vibration. Symbols are the universal keys that unlock our ability to connect to and utilize specific frequencies. Perhaps, our soul’s path adheres to a pattern, like the connecting lines on a mandala. 

Different symbols placed in our energy field can help clear lower frequencies, help us remember our natural energetic state, empower us, reset chakras and affect our energy in many different positive ways.

Often described as the most sacred fractal in the Universe, the Flower of Life encapsulates all our existence’s basic shapes and connections. The relational interconnectedness of this sacred symbol reminds us that everything in life is part of one beautiful whole. The geometric shape and mathematically proportioned framework arranged in a circle represent the unfolding of life.

Ancient cultures regarded the flower of life as a sacred symbol that contained life’s underlying principles and patterns. Universally recognized as the basic template for all creation, the flower of life exists as a vital blueprint in nature and is found in ancient sites worldwide.

The flower of life gives off strong and stable waves of unfolding energy that contribute to the harmonization of the body, mind, and spirit. The flower of life contains the virtues of purification, regeneration, balance, and dynamism. 

Another symbol that we can draw energy from at the equinox is located in the body. The third chakra, or Manipura, which means “lustrous gem” in Sanskrit, this energy center spins in the area around the abdomen above the belly button between the breastbone. Its color is yellow, and when balanced, it is a source of personal power that inspires purpose, will, self-esteem, inner glow, vitality, and the energy of transformation.

During the meditation ritual I share below, we will use these symbols to channel the energy of the spring equinox to enhance multidimensional frequencies. 

Purifying Initiating Frequency

Whatever your personal beliefs, it’s an excellent time to clear out the stagnant energies from winter and make space for new things to come. It is a brilliant time to purify your body and reprogram your thoughts, reenergize actions, and refresh your life inside and out. 

Much of the basis of Flower Essence Aromatherapy healing is about working with the principles of wholeness to balance, renew, and restore our natural vibrancy. The vibrational essences we use in our products serve as a bridge between the body and the mind and are perfectly attuned to support each person.

The rituals related to the spring equinox are associated with renewal, growth, purification, and in some instances, an initiation to embody light codes. Fleur vibrational essences are powerful because they work on highly subtle, refined levels of energy transmission. The Fleur products I am using to assist me in this vernal equinox meditation ritual are Purifying Ritual Essence and Fresh Spirit Spray.

Equinox Meditation Ritual with First Light 

This meditation ritual is best done at dawn on the vernal equinox when the sun’s rays rise above the horizon. I recommend that you do this ritual outside with bare feet on the ground. But if you can’t, no worries, you may sit in a chair and wear cotton socks. If you cannot go outside, light a candle to symbolize the sun.

This ritual is meant to engage your mind and senses. We will be working with sunlight, visualization, symbols of the Flower of Life and the Manipura chakra, smells and sounds of nature, and the taste of lemon water.

What you will need:

  • Purification Ritual Essence and Fresh Spirit Spray.
  • A glass (not plastic or ceramic) of spring water.
  • Fresh lemon to add to your water.
  • A candle and a lighter (if you are indoors)
  • A table or cloth you can arrange the items above on.

Please find a spot facing east toward the rising sun where you can stand comfortably and won’t be disturbed for at least 15-20 minutes. 

To prepare yourself, drink a cup of lemon water to purify yourself.

  • Mist Fresh Spirit Spray around your head and tummy.
  • Inhale the cleansing aromas of Lavender, Palo santo, and Juniper.
  • Exhale slowly repeating the affirmation below to yourself – or words of your own choice:

“My body is my sacred space. I absorb to the sparkling energy of the sun. I am enlivened by the positive frequencies of light that balance and harmonize me with the multidimensional cycles of life.”

  • Repeat six times to center yourself.
  • Facing east, stand erect with your arms by your side and your palms facing outward.
  • Lift your face with your eyes closed toward the rising sun and visualized the Flower of Life symbol before you as a filter for the first rays.
  • Imagine the rays of light permeating your crown and third eye.
  • Feel the energy of the light’s alchemical energy flowing into your mind and body.
  • Breathe in the pulsating crystalline light to fill your head, chest, and tummy.
  • Visualize the activation of your Manipura chakra fed by the light as you absorb the light frequencies.
  • Feel the Manipura spin as it clears stagnant energy and draws in the balancing power of functional purpose.
  • Just breathe.
  • Immerse yourself in the moment, allowing the frequencies and codes of light to permeate your consciousness.
  • Bring to mind what you would like to bring balance to your life.
  • Breathe.
  • Attune your awareness to the sounds in your environment. 
  • Feel the temperature on your skin and any moisture in the air.
  • Notice the scents carried in the air.
  • Allow yourself to harmonize with the frequencies of the equinox to balance all of you. 
  • Confirm your affirmation by once again speaking words aloud.
  • Conclude your meditation with gratitude with words spoken aloud from your heart.
  • Drink your glass of lemon water and feel the vibrational energy of the sun flowing through you to reenergize your cells.

Harnessing the energies of the Universe, light frequencies, and symbols radically helps us to raise our vibration and reorient us to the significance of the vernal equinox. The alchemical principles of this event align us to our own awakening to fully embody and raise our vibration.

To face the dawn of a new spring with conscious intention is but a moment in time, yet this season’s spirit is timeless. This is a new day and a fresh beginning on the sacred wheel of life. 

All my aromatic Love,
