“For All that has been – Thanks!
For ALL that will be, Yes!”
—Dag Hammerskjold

Happy New Year Blessings!

Starting the New Year with momentum and positive energy greatly supports the new cycle. 

The New Year Restart is a beautifully auspicious time to receive and plant your Intentions for this year in the sacred ritual container of your making. When we raise our consciousness and awareness, we do so for all beings everywhere.

In this blog, I want to share a mindset and ritual that have now become a part of my welcoming the New Year and connecting to the heart’s aspirations.

Honoring the Past Year

I feel it is important to review your past year and acknowledge your successes and challenges about your year.

There are likely several reasons why last year’s goals did not come to fruition. These reasons probably fall into three categories:

  1. Overwhelm – When the vision for what we want to create feels way bigger than the resources we have to bring it to life. Or distractions of all sorts arise when we least expect them. 
  2. Time – Finding the time to be productive and complete tasks can be difficult. Even if we manage to avoid being overwhelmed, getting our action items checked off our list can be a challenge.
  3. Skillset & Resources – Not having the necessary skills or enough resources to achieve a desired outcome is common. However, instead of being discouraged, take it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Perhaps you have experienced some health challenges in 2023, faced difficulties with aging, or are adjusting to menopause or andropause.

Even if you didn’t accomplish everything you wanted, the year contained many gifts that have brought you to Now!

I’ve included a list of questions you may find helpful as you reflect on your past year.

  1. What are the five things I’m most grateful for this year?
  2. What’s one area in my life where I made real, tangible progress?
  3. What are three accomplishments I made this year that I’m most proud of?
  4. What were the biggest struggles I faced this year? What were the most significant lessons they taught me?
  5. What I learned about myself is…

When we appreciate the ebb and flow of our journey, it bestows us with a deeper sense of compassion, empathy, and perseverance.

Gratitude for What Was…

Gratitude has the power to change how we see our world. When we find something to be grateful for, even during challenging times, we awaken a part of our hearts that helps us see our lives and the lives of others more lovingly. 

For example, as I reflect on the past year, I renewed my yoga practice early in January 2023. Even though I struggled (see my Blog: The Struggles that Shape Us) for the first six months, I didn’t give up. I maintained my 6 am practice for the entire year. 

Consequently, my body shape changed for the better. I am stronger and more agile. I am proud of my self-discipline and am motivated to keep going and advance through breath and asana. And I am more attuned to waking early with enthusiasm, energy, and purpose.

I am thankful for the Alchemical Wellness Remedies and Vibrational Essences that support me and my community in body, mind, and spirit. Incorporating essential oils and vibrational essences into my lifestyle is a true blessing to help me maintain my health as much as to inspire others in their use.

Additionally, I count my blessings for the countless individuals who love and support me. They are a beautiful and essential part of my life — you know who you are – Thank you!

Witnessing the passing of my Dad a year ago today was humbling. An end of an era. As the eldest daughter, I am aware that the gift of family and that time is not static but constantly unfolding into new dimensions. After all, life is precious in all its wholeness.

I was awed by the undeniable power of nature and the wonder of ancient Hawai’ian culture when I visited the Big Island last January. My experiences there captured my heart and engaged all my senses. Furthermore, I made vibrational Ritual Essences at sacred sites that opened my heart towards forgiveness, allowed me to connect with the primal energy of the Goddess Pele, the abundant life force and biodiversity of unique flowers and plants, and the deep compassion and inclusivity of love in the spirit of ‘Aloha.’

Lastly, I am most grateful for the journey I made to Egypt this past September. It was life-changing as it brought full circle the spiritual awareness of my childhood with a depth of understanding about my own life journey, now integrated as a wiser older adult.

“With every sunrise comes a chance for a new beginning, and with every sunset, there is always something to be grateful for.”

Core Values

There is tremendous power in knowing which values you designate as “core.” These are the values that are most important to you in life. They are what you naturally gravitate toward, prompted from within by your own needs or wants. 

Once identified, they are the basis for prioritizing every decision you make. Generally, values are organized and grouped into the following categories:

  • Self-Care
  • Lifestyle (diet, movement, rest)
  • Mental Wellness (thought management, stress resiliency, capacity for insight)
  • Emotional Wellness (kindness, generosity, gratitude)
  • Relationships
  • Finances
  • Learning & Discovery
  • Career
  • Parenting
  • Service
  • Play & Fun
  • Spirituality

I encourage you to take a moment to identify three areas where you want to focus your attention this year. Why are they important?

Restart Intention

Intentions help focus and support you If you are feeling lost, stuck, overwhelmed, confused, or unsure about who you are or what you want to manifest.

TIP: Turn toward what Nourishes YOU!!

By making a 2024 Restart commitment, you are boldly declaring that you prioritize living in alignment with your values. It serves as a gentle reminder of where you are focusing your attention and what you are putting energy into.

  • Highlight key insights from your reflection journalling to identify what areas of your life need attention and care.
  • Reflect on the core values most important to you at this point in your life. 
  • Create an intention (one word or one statement) that you’d like to cultivate over the next month in one of the value categories and describe why you have chosen it.
  • What could it look and feel like to embody this intention in everyday life?

Creating a fulfilling life where you can thrive is a powerful, intentional step forward to living a life you love!

The Sacred Container of Ritual

You may have your favorite rituals to welcome the New Year. You may make resolutions. You may feel confident you will practice re-energizing them throughout the year. You may sense your life will be different, will change, and you will advance toward new adventures and experiences.

I invite you to take a moment to take a deep breath with me and center yourself with Fleur Sprays, Oils, and vibrational essences. These enhance your capacity to hold the sacred container of ritual. Fill yourself with the energy of light so your path becomes illuminated.

Becoming Present 

Becoming present with the vibrational energy of scent and light is really helpful so you may hear the deepest language that is within. Trust that you are being guided with each breath.

It’s at these times that it is important to disconnect in order to connect. Here, in the spaciousness of your inner light, you can relax into a vibrational presence and let go and allow.

The goal is to listen to your heart. Your heart knows the path for your journey, even if you don’t always recognize it. Most people don’t always fully realize that we all have within us the ability to co-create our lives with the universe. 

Our hopes and dreams are the universe whispering to us, planting an idea of what’s possible while directing us toward the best use of our gifts. The universe truly wants to give us our hearts’ desires, but we need to be clear about what they are and ask for them.

To Begin

Create a sacred space for yourself and anyone you share this experience with.

  • Prepare yourself by using any of the Vibrational Ritual Essences:
  • Put calming music on as a background for your ritual.
  • Light a candle.
  • Mist around your head and body any of the following Alchemical Wellness Sprays:
    • Release — If you feel you need to let go of anything that is no longer serving you or carried over from the previous year.
    • Calling Your Spirit Helpers — For spiritual assistance from your allies.
    • Clarity & Focus — If you are foggy and unclear about your future.
    • Inspiration — To encourage you to reach for your dreams.
    • Manifest — To use the principles of manifestation here and now.
    • Trust — To trust your heart that it is guiding you toward your highest destiny.
  • Take a few breaths to center yourself.
  • Anoint your brow with Seshen Sacred Blue Lotus Anointing Oil– To activate your pineal glands so you may decipher your heart’s desires.

Drop into Your Heart

“The Heart knows what it feels.”

The heart is your emotional center. It’s the place that tells you the truth, gives you freedom, guides you, and creates and maintains the quality of your life.

The mind helps to organize the steps, but the heart knows the path.

Dropping into your heart space is essential for you so you don’t overthink your intentions. It really is not too difficult. It’s a shift of your focus from your head to the physical center of your chest, to where your heart beats. Just follow your breath.

  • Close your eyes, place your hand on your heart, and gently stroke your chest.
  • Take a deep breath, and allow yourself to take up space with your exhale.
  • Rest your attention on your heart area and your inner truth.
  • Acknowledge your intention silently to yourself.
  • Feel the energy unfold so that you see, hear, and feel from your heart.
  • Become the observer.
  • When thoughts and emotions pull you away, return your attention back to your breath and the sense of presence in your heart.
  • Allow your deepest aspirations to emerge from the heart. Continue to breathe deeply during this process.

“Once you are present in your own heart, you’ll find your life goes places your mind has never even dreamed of.” – Martha Beck

Concluding Your Ritual

When you feel complete, take a moment to thank yourself, your spirit helpers, and your heart’s wisdom.

Write down or draw all you’ve been shown, including symbols, colors, phrases, words of wisdom, etc., you received.

Categorize what you discovered into different groups of values. Mindmap your action steps related to your identified top 3 values.

Ask yourself

  • When things are going really well, what does my life look like?
  • How do I feel?
  • Who benefits?
  • What are the most actionable steps I can take today that will sustain me through the year?

Create a One-sentence Affirmation

Affirmations are phrases or statements that we repeat to ourselves to help us shift our minds in ways that positively improve our lives.

Restate your 2024 Intention aloud to energize your future with an affirmation. 

Your one-sentence affirmation begins with the words: “I AM ___________________________________.”

Last year, my focus affirmation was: “I am consistent.” Consistent with lifestyle, work, relationships, and everyday tasks. Over the year, I discovered that I have a tendency to become rigid in maintaining my intentions.

This year, I’ve chosen a powerful affirmation to guide me: “I am adaptable.”

With this simple phrase, I remind myself that no matter how consistent I am or what challenges come my way, I have the flexibility to make choices in order to flow in the direction of my goals. By embracing my affirmation, I am aware that I possess the adaptability and resilience required to succeed in any given situation.

When we repeat our affirmations often enough, our brain will start to reflect these thoughts automatically. Repeating your affirmation will align you with your intention.

Your Cause – Your Future

What is a cause? 

A cause is a magnetic vision flowing directly from the pure clarity of one’s destiny. It comes from within from values held dearly in the heart, connecting you from present reality to a richly imagined future. It acts like a bridge from the future to the present.

A compelling cause excites us to action. It causes us to fall in love with the present again because it paints a clear, magical, and uplifting picture of the future. It ignites passion and becomes a magnet that draws others to it.

To achieve great success in life, it is essential to embrace and engage with both short-term action steps and a long-term perspective. This means having the foresight to think beyond the immediate present and actively plan for the future.

Adopting a long view allows you to make informed decisions that align with your goals and aspirations. Cultivate a mindset that is geared towards achieving long-term success.

Finally, what is one thing you can do today to breathe happiness into your life?

May this Year Bring a Sense of Renewal and Invigoration

As we step into a new year, let us take this beautiful moment to ignite our minds and hearts with a renewed sense of purpose. This is the perfect time to start fresh and boldly create an auspicious beginning to set the tone for the rest of the year.

There will be challenges, but nothing you can’t handle. Live your life consciously. When you live with awareness, your whole life becomes your spiritual practice.

Let Love dissolve your fears; let Light dispel your darkness.

Spend time with people who you find uplifting. Be open and listen to other points of view. Speak from your inner truth, be yourself, and resist becoming entangled in the stories from the news and social media. Be prepared to look beyond the obvious. You never know what wondrous magic you might discover.

Make sure you do something just for fun every day. We are all part of one collective consciousness. Everything you do has an effect on everyone else.

In conclusion, let us seize this opportunity to inspire ourselves and others to embrace all the possibilities that the New Year has to offer. Know that you are supported to heal, become, or achieve your heart’s aspirations in 2024.

All my aromatic Love,
