“The moon is a loyal companion.

It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do.

Every day it’s a different version of itself.

Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong, and full of light.

The moon understands what it means to be human.

Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”

―Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

I have been energized by the beauty and power of the full moon this month, allowing me to center myself in my heart of happiness. The beautiful moon shines the light of hope when things may seem lost, especially in those areas where I am challenged or feel the collective weight of the world on my shoulders.

Hope is like the moon, sometimes strong and full of light, just like a loyal companion.

With all that is happening in the world around us, you might be feeling highly sensitive disheartened, disconnected, isolated, or alone too. When the moon is in its darkest phase, hope also seems to disappear.

It is normal to feel uncertain and alone during challenging times. Powerlessness, fear, anxiety, and hopelessness are often accompanied by feelings of despair.

Despair batters the mind, heart, and body. It kicks us when we are down. We experience this when we don’t acknowledge the source of despair instead of allowing it to inform us and show us another way.

Hope is the antidote to despair.

Research has shown that hopelessness is a symptom that needs attention, just like any illness. Hope is a powerful weapon against despair and depression.

Hope is not wishful thinking. Hope carries the emotional energy of possibility. Hope reconnects us to the heart of ourselves and provides grace despite the challenges of our lives. True hope acknowledges that real threats exist and awakens the determination to problem-solve to find the best path forward enabling us to keep going in the face of adversity.

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness month, I am offering a discount on Fleur Hope Spray, which energizes positive feelings of hopeful optimism, strength, and encouragement.

Every step of the breast cancer journey by you or someone you love who has been affected by breast cancer needs hope. If this has been a part of your story it is important in helping people know they are not alone as they hold on to hope.

As one of our signature Alchemical Wellness Care Sprays, Hope Spray combines the benefits of Frankincense, Laurel, and Neroli essential oils. The aromatherapy synergy of Hope Spray connects us to hope while calming the mind, supporting focus, and inspiring a sense of purpose.

Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) is used widely in religious and spiritual rituals around the world. According to Ayurveda, frankincense aroma is considered to have sattvic properties, which have a purifying effect on the mind and nervous system. The aroma pacifies Vata dosha (calming and replenishing the mind and nervous system) while helping to relieve exhaustion, mental fatigue, and depression.

Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) is an age-old remedy for anxiety. Emotionally the aroma is both uplifting and grounding, helping to clear mental confusion and clarify thought processes. Bay laurel aroma helps us connect to our inner healer and gain the courage to follow our instincts.

Neroli (Citrus aurantium) is known for its anti-depressant and anxiety-reducing qualities. Because of its calming effect on nerves, its aroma is used to relieve stress, shock, and panic. The scent of this essential oil calms the heart and inspires joy.

Undeniably, Hope Spray’s beautiful aroma is calming, grounding, and uplifting making it a treat to the senses.

As energy medicine, Hope Spray contains a synergy of well-balanced vibrational and wildflower essences that affect our bioenergy field and shift our mood.

Hope Spray may play a vital role in healing providing the energetic motivation needed to do the right thing, especially if you need courage and persistence to take intentional action that increases your chance of the best outcome.

When faced with cancer or an illness, and unsure what path to follow or what healing modality is best for us, Hope Spray helps us reconnect with our higher selves and offers a sense of inner strength. It whispers hope when things may seem lost, especially in life where we may have given up.

This is especially true while you wait or when there’s nothing more you can do. After all, miracles do happen, offering us insight and opportunities we never expected, opening pathways to healing, and providing second chances.

And when, just like the moon, the brilliant light of hope emerges from the darkness, we are comforted in the knowledge that no matter what, hope will light our way.

With Healing love,



HOPE Kits from NationalBreastCancer.org provide hope, comfort, and encouragement to women undergoing breast cancer treatment.