“I ho’okahi kahi ke aloha ~ Be One in Love.” – Hawaiian Proverb

Last month I visited the inspiring big island of Hawai’i and discovered the Spirit of Aloha!

I enjoyed swimming and snorkeling in crystal clear waters, hiking lofty paths along Kilauea, resting deeply, meditating in places of power, and precious time with old and new friends.

Since my return home, I’ve got the Aloha Spirit in my mind and heart!

Hawai’i is a place where the forces of nature are so dynamic that I am awed to encounter what the ancient people knew woven throughout all of nature.

The big island of Hawai’i’s burgeoning biodiversity is what makes it so breathtakingly unique. Its distinct ecosystems, volcanoes, water, plants, animals, and people are exemplary. Fragrant aromas of plumeria, gardenia, pikake, mock orange, tuberose, and spider lily permeate the breeze.

What is truly special is the stunning natural beauty, its vibrant cultural heritage, and the deeply rooted relationship that connects them to resources and place. Many of these are sacred: wao akua.

Ancient Hawaiians held strong beliefs about the land, and because they had no written language, they became masters of storytelling and recounting history through chants and legends. The spirit of Aloha is a cultural guidance system to help us live “The ways of Aloha.”

In the Spirit of Aloha

“Aloha means to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen, and to know the unknowable.” — Queen Lili’uokalani

The echoes of the old beliefs are felt everywhere on the islands. I sensed respect for the sacred rooted in what the Hawai’ians call spiritual energy mana, present everywhere.

The land, sky, air, water, and the spirit of Aloha’s presence called me to make vibrational essences for their shared energy. Sacred gardens, historical sanctuaries, and the Goddess Pele of volcanoes entranced me to attain their essences.

Thus my Hawai’ian Ritual Essences carry the spirit of Aloha! Below is a brief summary of four essences.

Pele’s Breath

My first essence was created in the late afternoon at the Kilauea iki crater on the third day of my visit.

The otherworldly terrain had warm steam vents hidden among the old lava lake floor. As I meditated and asked for her blessing, Pele breathed her essence upon me, which I captured.

I heard her words:

“Breath with me! Be renewed with my vigor. Allow my healing breath to balance you with love.”

It was a transformational moment and offered me a sense of energetic renewal and purpose to share her essence with others. A wonderful experience to receive permission from the Goddess herself and the Spirit of Aloha!

Place of Refuge

So much of the historical Hawai’ian culture was held together by a code of ethics that brought balance to society, resources, community, and personal responsibility of care, consideration, and peace.

“If Aloha is the Hawaiian code of life, then Ho’oponopono is the Hawaiian code of forgiveness.” –Hawai’ian Proverb

My second essence was made at Pu’uhonua o Honaunau, the ancestral land for a Place of Refuge on the rugged south Kona coast. It is the most sacred spot on the island, and its energetic forces cracked my heart open wide.

Here I gained an understanding of the sacred respect for what a spiritual sanctuary infused with mana feels like.

Pu’uhonua is one of the most significant archeological and historical sites in the entire state of Hawai’i and now stands as a monument of peace and forgiveness. On this sacred ground, life can begin again.

As I meditated in the late afternoon of a brilliant day when the early evening clouds began to drift in along the shore, I heard the words:

“Take refuge here. You are safe. In forgiveness begin anew!”

I was overcome by the blessings of the ancient ones and the spirit of Aloha to receive shelter and redemption for any mistakes I have made in my life. Acceptance to be who I am is a sacred honor despite my flaws and shortcomings.

I am profoundly grateful for all this essence captured in the spirit of Aloha and forgiveness.

Life Force

“Ua ola loko i ke aloha ~ Love gives life within.” –Hawai’ian Proverb

Just north of Hilo, Papaikou Hawai’ian Tropical Bioreserve and Garden is one of the most biologically diverse areas on the island and our planet.

The life force of more than 2,000 species of plants represents more than 125 families, and 750 genera are infused throughout the garden.

Many tropical and endangered plant species live on in the most extensive collection of plant types anywhere, including gingers, orchids, palms, aroids, and heliconia—a veritable Eden for such lush plant life.

The beauty and vibrancy here captured my senses. Located in the Onomea Valley near Hilo, this watershed rainforest contains waterfalls carved by the waters of Onomea and Alakahi streams, originating all the way up in Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano and highest point in the Hawai’ian island chain.

Midafternoon was a magical time. Meditating here in this garden, I saw in my mind’s eye the generosity of tiny spirits of light flying toward my crystal bowel to infuse the spring water with mana – life force energy!

I heard the words:

“Care for life is caring for yourself. We share our vibrant life force energy to strengthen your purpose in the spirit of Aloha!”

I felt the dynamic fluidity of the energy of potential that rises within me in a constant process of organic change and self-evolution. I became aware of the Hawai’ian value, mālama, that upholds the belief that care for all aspects of life, land, community, family, and self, is essential to our ability to thrive in balanced sustainability.

Thus, Life Force Ritual Essence empowers what the Hawai’ians call Ho’omana, ‘to make life force flow,’ strengthening natural holistic vitality through shared time and space.

Rainbow Heart

“Kahuna nui hale kealohalani makua ~ Love all you see including yourself.” – Hawaiian Proverb

I made the last vibrational essence at the Paleaku Peace Sanctuary Botanical Gardens in south Kona at the Ikaika Wahine shrine morning, when the air was freshest with heavenly aromas.

This beautiful, serene sanctuary offers an extraordinary promise of bringing together universal non-sectarian cultural and spiritual traditions.

Almost hidden from view, the Ikaika wahine shrine stands as a sentry to an ancient heiau or temple. Ikaika wahine means “strong, powerful woman.” Through her potent rainbow (anuenue) heart, all are welcome here.

As I approached the shrine and its gated sacred heiau, I felt a powerful heart opening that left me trembling with spiritual energy.

As I meditated, I became aware of my heart chakra’s 12 petals. With each breath, I noticed waves of rainbow light energy flowing from the central vortex of my heart front and back.

“A sweet, gentle feeling of deep acceptance filled me, inclusive of differing beliefs. The virtues of kindness, patience, joy, peace, caring, and empathy flowed with each breath. My inner being was filled with a sense of interconnectedness, graciousness, and generosity expressed through her sacred, timeless energy.”

Relationships with the sacred are infused in Rainbow Heart Ritual Essence, where each person is essential to the collective. 

Precious Gifts from the Spirit of Aloha

“Ma’ane’i No Ke Aloha ~ For love is here and now.” –Hawai’ian Proverb

The spirit of Aloha contributes love in the coordination of the mind, heart, and spirit within each person. It brings each person to their deepest self and extends that to everyone. 

All our Hawai’ian essences carry this beautiful imprint – the spirit of  Aloha. As vibrational helpers, they are intended to be shared. They embody deeply held Hawaiian cultural beliefs about community, peace, gratitude, and spiritual truth that express hopes for a harmonious future that extends to the whole world.

Indeed, the precious gift from the spirit of Aloha inspires our innate sense to love unconditionally. This energy is meant to be shared with mutual respect and affection that extends warmth in caring with no thought of ownership.

You will know the spirit of Aloha when you feel it. It is a life force, a connection to nature, a moral code, and all-encompassing love!

In subsequent blogs, I’ll dive deeper into each of the Hawai’ian Ritual Essences.


All my aromatic love,
