Fleur Vibrational Tinctures

“All vibrational essences do the same thing, for every living thing—they restore us to a state of balance in which our internal, intelligent life force is activated.”

Our vibrational tinctures belong to a new field of potentized remedies that derive their beneficial powers from the inherent life force found in nature. Much like homeopathy, we use the sun’s power to capture the vibrational resonance and energy frequency of a flower bloom, tree, or sacred place. They embody and carry the vibrational signature of the whole plant and the environment from which they come from.

The new spotlight and focus on energy medicine is helping more people to avail themselves to vibrational and flower essence therapy. These remarkable remedies expand our awareness and understanding of alchemical wellness care, recognizing a relationship between body and soul and the interweaving of our spiritual, mental, and emotional capabilities.

Beneficial as part of a holistic program of health and wellness, our vibrational tinctures are liquid, non-toxic, potentized preparations that convey a distinct vibrational imprint or etheric pattern. They may be used concurrently with other complementary or medical therapies.

Fleur Vibrational Tinctures

Formulated to help transform stuck emotions, behavior patterns or mindsets that impede a positive state of being, our vibrational tinctures help reclaim inner peace, an innate sense of dignity, and indomitable inner strength in the face of obstacles.

Renowned for their universality of application, our vibrational tinctures are non-invasive and non-toxic. Taken orally or applied topically, people in diverse environments can use them at home and in clinical settings.

They are beneficial for the chemically sensitive, the elderly, the infirmed, and children.

*Our Vibrational Essences are preserved with organic, biodynamic grape alcohol.

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