“The right raw materials can double or triple the protective power of the immune system.” –Joel Fuhrman

My health is my wealth. I have found that applying holistic awareness in daily life is of primary importance and is most often neglected concerning self-care by many.

We hear a lot about the importance of keeping immunity high. Despite its complexity, the body has an efficient way of balancing and healing itself. But, in the last generation, allergies, degenerative diseases, and other general signs of poor immunity have reached epidemic proportions.

Brought to public attention, as a result, is the correlation between a stressful lifestyle, poor nutrition, sleep, increased environmental pollutants, etc., and the loss of immunity. One benefit of our obsession with living a healthy life is that we are becoming more aware that we can support the interrelationship of our body’s systems from every level of our lives.

Most specifically, focusing on the immune-lymphatic system, we can help our body’s resilience to pathogens using flower essence aromatherapy.

Your Immune and Lymphatic Systems

Even with the best lifestyle strategies, staying healthy during the winter months may require extra loving care. Now that the New Year is here, it’s time to raise awareness for one of the most important body systems that helps keep immunity high and that will instantly transform your wellbeing.

The immune system is a network of biological processes that protects an organism from diseases. It is composed of tissues, vessels, and organs, such as; tonsils, lymph nodes, and the spleen. It detects and responds to various pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms and cancer cells and objects such as wood splinters, distinguishing them from the organism’s healthy tissue.

As an integral part of your immune system, your lymphatic system has many functions. Your lymphatic system is critical to the body’s ability to maintain immunity to illnesses and fight off parasites, fungi, and other pathogens. When the immune system is compromised, you may experience symptoms ranging from increased bacterial and viral infections, niggling allergies, cellulite, puffiness, and bloating — all related to congestion within the lymphatic system.

When the lymph flow becomes stagnant and congested, wastes and toxins build up. Without a robust lymphatic system, it can lead to weak immunity and a wide variety of health issues.

The lymphatic system protects your body from illness-causing invaders, maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract fats, and removing cellular waste. It comprises a network of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph — a clear, watery fluid that contains proteins, salts, and other substances — throughout the body. Your lymphatic system works in tandem with the cardiovascular system to filter and remove foreign substances through these tissues.

The Inspiration behind Shuddhi Lymph Oil

My first introduction to the lymphatic system came many years ago when I read a book by Christopher Bird about the controversial scientist Gaston Naessens.

Naessens, a pioneering biologist in Canada, was a misunderstood genius lauded for his revolutionary discoveries. He is known for curative treatment for cancer, AIDS, and other degenerative diseases. Throughout his work, he focused on what he called the ‘somatid’ life cycle and how the lymphatic system plays an integral role in maintaining our health.

As a result, I developed a deep curiosity about how immunity works and a passion for helping others through using the science of essential oils applied topically to support the lymphatic system.

Supporting the Lymphatic System with Flower Essence Aromatherapy

Fleur Shuddhi Lymph Oil’s proprietary alchemical blend is powered by stimulating essential oils and nourishing infused oils, such as grapefruit, laurel leaf, rosemary, rockrose, helichrysum, and carrot seed. The blend penetrates through skin layers to gently decongest and move lymph fluid through your body, carrying toxins safely out of your body.

The lymphatic system sits right below the skin. Applying Shuddhi Lymph Oil to the areas of the body where the lymphatic system is most prevalent directs and increases lymphatic flow, encouraging faster removal of excess pathogens and interstitial fluid, reducing swelling and water retention.

With the correct lymphatic massage technique, you can look forward to

  • Improved immune system due to the critical elimination of toxins
  • Improved circulation (an instant glow booster!)
  • Lowered inflammation
  • Improved detoxification (you’ll feel lighter and more energetic!)
  • A clearer complexion
  • Decreased puffiness
  • A more radiant glow.

Lymphatic Massage

In my experience, there’s no better way to instantly transform how I feel and how I look with a flower essence aromatherapy lymphatic massage with Shuddhi Lymph Oil.

Applying Shuddhi Lymph Oil with a light touch will move the lymph fluid and open those detox pathways. By manually stimulating the lymphatic system, you:

  • Increase the carrying capacity of the lymph system, allowing it to process up to 10 times more fluid than usual.
  • Increase the flow through the lymph nodes, filtering out waste products, dead cells, excess proteins, and toxins from the tissues.
  • Increase the production of lymphocytes, thereby increasing the body’s ability to fight infections.
  • Activate the parasympathetic response, producing a body-wide relaxation effect.

This massage is most effective when done with the correct method and the proper technique, which is why I put together an infographic for you to download, so you get the most out of your lymphatic massage ritual.

I use Shuddhi Lymph Oil at least weekly to maintain overall immunity. If I feel a cold or illness coming on, I immediately fight the infection by giving my lymphatic system extra attention by using Shuddhi Lymph oil at least a few times a day to move the toxins out of my body.

Shuddhi Lymph Oil has everything you need to stimulate circulation, decongest the lymph, and expel toxins. This alchemical care blend is a must-have to maintain radiant health. Regular lymphatic massage is essential when facing any degenerative disease.

Additional Lymphatic Support

If you’re looking to complement your detoxification process with internal detoxing as well, there are a few minor additions you can make to support your lymphatic system daily.

  • Incorporate Garshana Massage into your morning wellness routine.
  • Drink more water to hydrate from the inside out.
  • Add freshly squeezed lemon to your water and ginger to your tea to stimulate detoxification pathways.
  • Add Chlorophyll to your diet.
  • Eat fresh foods high in antioxidants.
  • Cook with ghee (clarified butter), olive, coconut, and avocado oils.
  • Remove processed foods – especially foods with hydrogenated oils that congest the lymph.
  • Engage in whole-body movement daily, focusing on stretching your limbs and twisting and squeezing your midsection.
  • Walk at least 20 minutes a day to keep your lymphatic system pumping.

The body we have is such a blessing. Aromatherapy can boost immunity by prompting your body to heal itself and bring your body and mind back into balance. With higher immunity and a well-working lymphatic system, you will experience fewer health problems.

Thank your lymphatic system for keeping you healthy and immunity high. Not only will you feel great from head to toe, but you will also notice an overall sense of vitality and energy. Shuddhi Lymph Oil is the perfect complement you need to make this year your healthiest year yet.

All my aromatic love,
