Sundari Breast Oil


“We cannot nurture others fully or well unless we also nurture ourselves.”
—Susan Weed

Net Contents: 2 Fl oz (60ml)
For topical and aromatic use only.

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A woman’s breasts hold the energy of her Sacred Feminine wisdom heart. Throughout history, breasts symbolize a woman’s beauty, sensuality, maternity, empowerment, and eroticism. Her gift to nurture and to mother as life-givers and sustainer of humanity has been celebrated and glorified in images of the Goddess—enigmatic and abundant, we yearn to be snuggled in her bosom, to be One with Her heartbeat.

Often objectified, a woman’s breasts are universally linked to her attractiveness and sexuality. Many women work through complicated issues with their breasts: confusion from oversexualizing, shame at being too much or not enough, stereotypes and taboos of cultural identity, and the filters of belief.

The energy of breasts cannot be separated from the whole of a woman’s life. Sadly, many women very rarely touch their own breasts. Connecting to the physical and sacred heart of being a woman is an important attribute of wellness, self-care, and healing. A woman who truly connects with her breasts will know the beautiful feeling that arises from fully embracing her breasts for their spiritual, emotional, and physical characteristics.

Every breast, regardless of shape or size, is completely perfect and beautiful. Closest to the heart, the breasts can often serve as the foundation for a woman’s vulnerability. Emotionally, her breasts can become a repository for the wounds that hold her shame, relational disconnections and loss, regrets, and resentment—lived and unlived.

The prevalence of breast cancer affects one in eight women and is the number two cancer killer of women. Though it is often thought of as a women’s disease, men are also diagnosed with and die from breast cancer.

It is now known that xenoestrogens trigger fibrocystic breast disease. Xenoestrogens are endocrine disrupters found in everyday synthetic materials that, when introduced into the body, either imitate or block the effects of the body’s natural estrogen. They are found in plastics, household cleaning products, beauty and personal care products, medications, environmental pollutants (glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers) in our foods, the air we breathe, our water supply, and more. These, along with toxic stress hormones, can become trapped in fatty breast tissue.

Our breasts rely on the lymph system to keep the tissues clear of toxins. Breast massage not only increases circulation and the healthy flow of energy, but the stimulation can also break up lymphatic stagnation, preventing toxic build-up and promoting lymphatic flow and drainage.

Massage has the power to ease the pain and tension from stress in the muscles of the chest wall and relieve compression from wearing bras, helping to decrease sagging associated with breastfeeding. Breast massage has been proven to reduce fibroids and cysts and relieve the pain and discomfort associated with PMS and reproductive aging by encouraging the release of anti-aging hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin, and estrogen.

We can learn to love and care for our breasts, to hold them sacred, appreciate them, and help rebalance their energy. As an integral component of our endocrine system, many women may not be aware that providing breasts with a self-care regimen can transform their lives, if not only as a way to recognize abnormalities early on. Caring for your breasts is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Breast care enhances well-being on multiple levels. Cultivating a positive relationship to your breasts and nurturing a commitment to make breast massage a ritual with flower essence aromatherapy may open the heart to healing self-acceptance. Daily breast massage is not only sensible but is enjoyable.

Fleur Sundari Breast Oil proprietary base oil blend of organic Pomegranate seed, Jojoba, and Calendula infused Sunflower Oils. They are traditionally known in folk medicine to help maintain collagen and heal wounds respectively. Our base oil is high in polyphenols and for their anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and cell regeneration properties, notable for their health-giving properties to balance pH. Calendula oil helps to stimulate lymph movement to keep the breast tissue clear of toxins

Pomegranate seed oil’s uniqueness is in its punic acid. It boosts collagen production, enhances skin elasticity, reduces the appearance of scarring, and encourages the reversal of skin damage. Research has shown that Pomegranate extracts inhibit the growth of breast, prostate, colon, and lung cancer cells in culture.

Sundari Breast Oil’s alchemical synergy blend is formulated with vibrational flower essences that support energetic connection to self-compassion, forgiveness, and inner strength. Their synergy may help melt away negativity toward self and soften resentments experienced throughout life. Beneficial for ensuring the maintenance of wholeness, they additionally may boost a sense of self-worth, authenticity, and self-love.

Organic botanical essential oils of frankincense, bergamot, geranium, rose, and jasmine combine for a lovely sensual aroma that may act as an aphrodisiac, uplifting the heart toward the open-hearted energy of unconditional love. Emotionally comforting, the scent may help balance the nervous and hormonal systems and promote relaxation and positive well-being.

Topically, Sundari Breast Oil may stimulate immune-fighting cytokines to fight inflammation, reduce lymph congestion, and accelerate skin renewal, speeding wound healing and improving breast health.

Moisturizing and soothing, Sundari Breast Oil is easily absorbed to condition and improve the elasticity of the skin and nourish healthy breast tissue.

Affirmation: “I honor my breasts as a source of my sacred feminine power. I am empowered to love and be wholly myself.”

Directions:  Follow this nightly ritual for breast health and pleasure. Light a candle, put on soft music, and dim the lights. Don’t rush to allow Sundari Breast Oil to penetrate into your breast tissue.

Use in conjunction with Shuddhi Lymph Oil for added lymphatic support.

Fill in your details to download: Sundari Breast Massage Infographic


NOTE:  If you’re currently in cancer treatment or post-op/remission, consult with your healthcare professional prior to administering breast massage to make sure it’s right for you.

It is worth noting that massage alone may help improve breast health that occurs from increased blood flow and may not specifically be due to the use of flower essence aromatherapy.

If you have undergone breast augmentation, breast massage helps to lower the risk of scar tissue and may prevent Capsular Contracture. Please check with your surgeon for guidelines for massage care.

Holistic Lifestyle Recommendation: To support breast health and lymphatic wellness
•  Minimize how many hours a day you wear a bra that binds or constricts.
• Avoid bras that have underwires or are strapless; push the breast up and/or make red marks. These bras weaken supporting muscles and constrict lymph tissue, and if worn regularly or for long periods, they will make the breasts sag and allow toxins to accumulate in the breast tissue.
•  Wear comfortable, natural fiber clothing.
•  Exercise regularly using movements that involve the shoulders and build torso, back, and upper arm strength.
•  Breathe deeply using the diaphragm to pump the lymphatic system.
•  Avoid hydrogenated fats like margarine and vegetable shortening. Cook with Ghee or clarified butter, butter, olive, or avocado oil.
•  Eat a variety of fresh and raw organic fruits and vegetables daily.
•  Consume hormone-free, organic grass-fed meats and eggs.
•  Avoid commercial soy-based products, such as soy milk and tofu, because they are heavily processed and often have added preservatives, dyes, thickeners, and sugars, reducing their nutritional benefits.
•  Use glass whenever possible to store food and water.
•  Avoid microwaved food. Heat food using a glass or ceramic-covered dish in a conventional oven.
•  Avoid synthetic chemicals. Choose environmentally friendly cleaning, beauty, and hair products that are free of parabens and synthetic preservatives.
•  Use underarm deodorant that is free of aluminum salts or other compounds. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can enter the blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge the immune system.
• Use hormone-free contraception, including spermicide-free condoms. Avoid long-term use of the pill and synthetic hormone therapies when possible.
•  Expose your breasts to natural sun and moon light.

Ingredients:  Organic Pomegranate seed (Punica granatum) Oil, Jojoba Oil, organic Calendula (Calendula officinalis) infused in organic Sunflower Oil (Helianthus annuus), vibrational flower essences of Black Kangaroo Paw, Cape Bluebell, Candle of Life, Catspaw, Illyarie, and organic botanical essential oils of Frankincense (Boswellia carterii), Bergamot (Citrus aurantium var. bergamia), Geranium (Pelarganium graveolens), Rose (Rosa damascene), and Jasmine (Jasmine grandiflorum).

Use: Breast Massage.

Caution:  Do not use on open sores, skin ulcers, burn wounds or undiagnosed discharge or lumps. Keep out of reach of children.

Additional information

Body Oil Volume

2 oz