Flower Essence Aromatherapy Sprays

“The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes.”

Alchemical Wellness Care means nothing other than a return to a state of wholeness, the heart of Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy.

Fleur Alchemical Wellness Care Sprays are intentionally formulated with flower essences and organic essential oils to gently help rebalance the complex synergy of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual nuances that constitute the whole of us.

In my worldview, pure consciousness is the basis of all creation. Spiritual energy flows from the subtle to the physical. It constantly transforms itself from the invisible field of pure potentiality into the localized conditioned consciousness of the physical world. This energy pervades all aspects of life and by aligning ourselves with it, we can enrich our own lives and the world around us.

Our Sprays are 100% natural, bottled by hand, and guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase.

Our Sprays use a small amount of organic biodynamic grape alcohol to help preserve the formula and aid the essential oils to disperse into the air.

Energy medicine provides us with a deeper understanding of human energy systems and regenerative processes.

Ritual Essences

Each Fleur Spray has been artfully crafted for a specific purpose. Different essential oils and flower essences deliver distinctive benefits. I have carefully researched and chosen the oils for their individual and combined synergy based upon on science and intuition.

The dense physical body include the subtle bodies that mutually coalesce in the aura or biofield that surrounds the physical body. Both are made of energy but vibrate at very different frequencies. Emotion is simply energy in motion.

The human energy biofield is “holographic,” transcending time and three-dimensional space. It is a complete energy system; any imbalances create an obstruction in the flow of energy. Everything that happens in your physical body first happens in your subtle body.

Your core vibrational frequency is purely uniquely you! The individual biofield vibrates in direct connection with your immediate surroundings and with each other. It also communicates at the quantum level with the waves of energy and information that make your interaction with the entire Universe possible.

To change how we feel about something, we must change the vibratory frequency of the body, mind, and emotions. Through the soothing effect of flower essence aromatherapy, we receive and absorb their frequencies that positively effects healing in our energy field.

Through the principle of entrainment, flower essences vibrationally affect energetic changes through the aura. Each flower essence in our formulas epitomizes a positive response to a common challenge and patterns of behavior to bring about vibrational harmony.

There is a powerful relationship between smell, memory, mood, emotion and thought. The Olfactory Nerve is responsible for our ability to smell and is the shortest path to the brain. Smell is the key connector that gently and profoundly affect the brain. Any odor you breathe travels faster to the brain than those from any of our other senses.

Many therapeutic benefits can be gained when essential oil molecules are inhaled. Aromatic anchoring can be valuable in changing present time perceptions, creating new options, and allowing positive behavioral changes.

Aromatic molecules send impulses to various areas of the brain – the cerebral cortex and primarily the limbic system, which is the part of the brain complex that plays a role in emotions, survival instincts, intuition, and long-term memory.

Through olfactory stimulation, each odor molecules fits like a little puzzle piece into specific receptor cell and has the potential to be the fastest known modifier the central nervous system (CNS), our thinking processes, and behavior.

Aromatic diffusion is the most efficient method for applying essential oils. Unlike Fleur Alchemical Wellness Body Oils, which deliver essential oils and flower essences infused in a carrier oil topically through the skin, Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy Sprays, when misted about the head and body, invite you to pause and take a deep breath.

Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy Sprays diffuse into the air unique alchemical blends triggering the body mind to activate the natural balancing process. Some Sprays can help lift your mood, reduce anxiety, decrease stress, relax, or energize you. Others can improve concentration and memory, cool you down, clear toxic energy, strengthen your immune system, connect to your heart and spiritual helpers, and more.

Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy Sprays are easily incorporated into daily living to maximize their healing essences. They are also a great way to let multiple people (your household members, workmates or clients) benefit from the Sprays.

When I see clients in my office, I spray Anxiety Relief Spray into the environment to set the vibrational tone for our work together. After our session, I mist Release Spray for myself to cleanse my own energy field, and then I spray Fresh Spirit to clear their energy from my office environment.

Paired with an intent, a positive affirmation, and active imagination or mental imagery, Fleur Sprays have the power to alchemically balance the whole person. Simply mist around the head and body, breathe deeply and exhale slowly to experience their delightful aromatic and soothing effects.

Because the sprays can be used anywhere, I suggest you keep a set of your favorites at home, at your desk, in your purse, or your travel kit.

Use Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy Sprays to harness the alchemical power of nature and her wisdom to gently restore natural balance, harmony and inner peace with yourself, life and each other—so you feel better, sleep better, look better, and smile more often.